President’s Message by Dave Rule
Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: change. New technologies are opening the door to new types of customers and applications for ammonia and other natural refrigerants.
Read MoreThroughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: change. New technologies are opening the door to new types of customers and applications for ammonia and other natural refrigerants.
Read MoreThe move towards lower charge has spurred demand for products like standardized package systems that promise solutions to at least some of the industry’s biggest problems. But exactly how those products will develop, and who will take them to market is yet unclear.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration drew record attendance again this year at the 37th Annual IIAR Conference & Exhibition, an event that marked a variety of transitions and new initiatives for the association this year.
Read MoreThe November 2014 elections resulted in a significant shift in control of Congress. Republicans gained control of the Senate and widened their majority in the House of Representatives. As a result, efforts to reform the regulatory process are seeing renewed interest this year.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is looking for a new executive director for the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation to lead the non-profit research and education organization toward continued growth and expansion.
Read MoreIIAR brought together more international members than ever before at the 2015 Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition in San Diego this year. And IIAR’s International Committee gathered members and delegates from around the globe to give a picture of the trends that are shaping the refrigeration industry worldwide.
Read MoreIncreased regulatory scrutiny and the growing emphasis on process safety management have spurred a steady relocation of equipment from production room floors, freezers and coolers to facility rooftops. The reasons for the transition have been practical.
Read MoreWhen it comes to safety, prevention is the most important factor in avoiding potential consequences. Whether a facility is working with 900 pounds or 90,000 pounds of ammonia, the risks of an incident are similar.
Read MoreAs recently as five years ago, air-conditioning and refrigeration applications were dominated by a handful of refrigerants – ammonia in large industrial systems, HFCs like R404A and HFC-134a in stationary and mobile refrigeration and air-conditioning, and R410A in stationary air-conditioning applications. Meanwhile, the use of HCFC-22 was declining as it was being phased-out by the Montreal Protocol agreement.
Read MoreOur IIAR Annual Conference and Exhibition in San Diego is finally here! The conference team has prepared a tremendous program for those of you attending this year, and while this is the last annual meeting during my term as Chairman, this year’s conference represents just the beginning of many exciting developments for IIAR and its members.
Read MoreThis issue of the Condenser marks the end of the last member year, and the beginning of a new one. It also marks our annual conference, where we come together from all corners of our industry to talk about the trends and technology shaping our business – at IIAR’s Annual Industrial Refrigeration Conference and Exhibition.
Read MoreThe use of CO2 as a refrigerant has grown in recent years, thanks to market demand spurred by a combination of environmental regulatory actions and technology advances in microprocessor controls and valve design.
Read MoreIn February 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency issued an enforcement alert entitled: “Anhydrous Ammonia at Refrigeration Facilities Under Scrutiny by U.S. EPA.” The EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement issues alerts such as this periodically to highlight areas where the agency is placing enforcement priority.
Read MoreIt’s time again for the industrial refrigeration industry’s largest conference and we think this will be one of the best and most informative programs we’ve ever produced. I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome all attendees to the 2015 IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition.
Read MoreOver several decades I have met and worked with many outstanding refrigeration operators and engineers. These refrigeration operators have been able to truly operate their systems in an efficient, effective, and safe manner while keeping any ammonia releases down to incidental levels.
Read MoreIn discussions on which codes and standards should be adhered to, I am all too often reminded of Daniel Patrick Moynihan who is the former U.S. Senator attributed with saying “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
Read MoreThe growth of natural refrigerants such as ammonia and CO2 in industrial and commercial facilities, and the regulatory restrictions that accompany their use will be a central topic of discussion in technical papers to be presented at this year’s IIAR Annual Conference in San Diego.
Read MoreThe U.S. Safety Chemical Board, or CSB, issued a safety bulletin on Jan. 15 that provided recommendations for industries utilizing anhydrous ammonia in bulk refrigeration operations.
Read MoreThe recently issued U.S. government schedule for the phase out of R-22 is set to create opportunities for both the providers of natural refrigerants and for the developers of small charge technologies.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is looking for a new executive director for the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation to lead the non-profit research and education organization toward continued growth and expansion.
Read MoreBecause we are always looking to make the information that we produce available to a greater number of end users for the benefit of our industry, the International Committee, following the direct request of our IIAR Chairman, Marcos Braz, has initiated the IIAR Chapters Implementation Project worldwide.
Read MoreEvery owner of an industrial ammonia refrigeration plant with more than 500 pounds of ammonia in the United States is required by government regulations to have an action and, or, response plan in place should an emergency event occur.
Read MoreAlthough it could take many years for non-condensable gases to accumulate in an ammonia closed-circuit mechanical refrigeration system – enough to cause abnormal operations to be evident – that buildup will almost certainly occur if it isn’t managed.
Read MoreThe current methodology for valve sizing has been accepted in the industrial refrigeration industry for years. This paper will review past efforts undertaken in the literature and standards to determine suitable methods for quantifying the compressible flow pressure drop in valves and attempts to compare them while providing a base rationale for which, if any, are appropriate methods for determining pressure drop
Read MoreThe New Year is almost here, and for many of us, that means we’re wrapping up projects and getting ready for 2015. At IIAR headquarters, your staff team is hard at work adding the fi nal touches to the annual conference programming and conducting general planning activities for the year ahead.
Read MoreOne of IIAR’s most important responsibilities is advocating on behalf of our members on state and federal policy. I’m happy to report that in 2014 we stepped up our efforts even more in this realm and we’ve been working closely with government regulatory agencies to provide them with our expertise in a number of different ways.
Read MoreMuch has been made of the so-called manufacturing skills gap in the United States as manufacturers across a wide swath of industries report that the pool of prospective workers with the skill sets and certifications required to perform highly specialized job functions is narrowing, even as U.S. manufacturing continues its steady climb.
Read MoreIn July 24, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency published a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the agency’s Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations. The RFI was generated as a part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to implement Executive Order 13650 - Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security.
Read MoreIn most cases, experience is something we build upon. It allows us to take advantage of the things we’ve learned, and hopefully, remember those lessons when they matter most. But sometimes, no matter how important the lesson, it can get overlooked.
Read MoreThe Ammonia Refrigeration Management Program, built by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration to help small facilities develop a sound safety plan focused on prevention, now has a global reach.
Read MoreThe buildup of frost and ice in a freezer at an industrial refrigeration facility is a sure-fire way to drain dollars from the bottom line. When the psychrometric properties of freezer air mass and infiltration air are not properly managed, energy costs can increase substantially.
Read MoreThe Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, the research arm of the ammonia refrigeration industry, reported that it raised $400,000 in donations in 2014, bringing its endowment to more than $2 million.
Read MoreLast year’s fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, drew the attention of regulatory agencies to nearly every corner of the chemical industry
Read MoreThe Natural Refrigerants Forum organized by Eurammon on Wednesday, October 15 at the Chillventa fair in Nuremburg, Germany provided an intriguing survey of the factors, both positive and negative, infl uencing the use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants around the world.
Read MoreThe issue of when, and how, to measure wall thickness on a pipe has become a hot topic in recent months. Clearly, it’s important to maintain the mechanical integrity of refrigeration systems in order to avoid ammonia leaks. But there is debate in the industry over when pipes that display no visible damage should be examined.
Read MoreIn many closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems, water contamination can occur over a period of time and the effects of that contamination can easily go unnoticed. One thing water contamination can do is cause an aqueous ammonia solution to be formed, which then replaces anhydrous ammonia refrigerant.
Read MoreThe process of selecting air cooling evaporators to operate in a CO2 refrigeration system is very similar to selecting evaporators for ammonia. Evaporator manufacturers typically require the same input data for both refrigerants and likewise display performance and selection data in the same way.
Read MoreThe end of summer is here, and that means it’s time to refocus our attention on important projects and get ready for the whirlwind of activity coming our way this fall.
Read MoreThroughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. I couldn’t be more excited about where IIAR – and the industry as a whole – are heading.
Read MoreThe five-year replacement interval for relief valves isn’t a practice that gets much scrutiny. It’s spelled out in IIAR Bulletin 110, and a provision establishing the need for a common interval appears in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, making it a generally accepted “no-brainer” for much of the industrial refrigeration industry.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration recently completed a research study using quantitative risk analysis, or QRA, to evaluate the effectiveness of five methods for mitigating an ammonia release during an overpressure event.
Read MoreIn response to the tragic accident last year in West, Texas, President Obama issued Executive Order (EO) 13650, Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security. The EO is intended to enhance the safety and security of chemical facilities and reduce risks associated with hazardous chemicals to facility workers and operators, communities, and responders.
Read MoreHaving well thought out and properly used operating procedures is important, but having good plans and people in place in case something goes wrong can make a world of difference. Think back to your own past.
Read MoreOwners should perform periodic mechanical integrity inspections on air coolers to ensure the continued reliability of the unit and to minimize the risk of an accidental ammonia release. This article lists some of the more common issues to look for when performing mechanical integrity inspections of a typical air cooler.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration held its ninth Industrial Refrigeration Seminar in Latin America in Chile last month, an event that marked the organization’s increasing involvement in education and safety advocacy in the region.
Read MoreAs we move into the fall season, thoughts of IIAR’s annual conference in March seem almost premature but the IIAR staff is already putting the final touches on preparations for our 2015 conference in San Diego, and there are many exciting new features to announce.
Read MoreWhen it comes to energy efficiency, the dollars are in the details. And those details can be easily overlooked, especially when multiple small system leaks start to add up in a large facility.
Read MoreChanges could be coming to the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, or CFATS, program run by the Department of Homeland Security, which could mean the agency will issue revised regulations and seek increased collaboration within the ammonia refrigeration industry.
Read MoreA new research project, recently implemented by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, will revisit the economic sizing methodology the industry uses to determine optimum pipe sizing.
Read MoreIn November 2012, this column discussed developments in Chile´s Ammonia Refrigeration sector including the publicprivate initiative to create a Best Practices Manual for the local Ammonia Refrigeration Industry and the potential for cooperation between IIAR and the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Read MoreThe issue of how to test high pressure cutouts in a refrigeration system can be a contentious one. And although there is no simple solution, there are many guidelines that offer direction.
Read MoreThermosyphon oil coolers for compressors have been designed in several ways. It has been a common design for the oil to be circulated through the “shell side” of a shell and tube heat exchanger, while ammonia is circulated through the tube side.
Read MoreDonal Ballou was enthusiastic about everything he did in life, whether as a founding member and chairman of the IIAR, or with the company he created, Refrigeration Systems Corp.
Read MoreIn 2007, IIAR revised its recommended practice for replacing pressure relief valves on industrial ammonia refrigeration systems (Section 6.6.3 of Bulletin 110). In addition to the prescriptive five-year relief valve replacement interval, the revisions to Bulletin 110 added an alternative replacement method based on an evaluation of in-service relief valve life using appropriate testing and data analysis methods.
Read MoreNow that the IIAR conference, with its committee meetings, networking events and technical discussions has ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year.
Read MoreThere’s a lot going on these days, both in our industry and at IIAR’s headquarters. Regulatory issues have seen an increased focus for our organization while new technologies like low charge systems continue to grow in importance.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration hit record attendance numbers, signed agreements with ASHRAE and RETA and drew participation from the Department of Homeland Security at its Conference & Heavy Equipment Show, an event that marked a variety of transitions and new initiatives for the association this year.
Read MoreRefrigeration technologies like synthetic replacements for HFCs, low charge ammonia and CO2 -based systems are growing like never before ahead of a planned phaseout of R-22 in the United States.
Read MoreThe Obama Administration continues its work under the Executive Order entitled: Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security that was signed in August 2013.
Read MoreWe can all learn some valuable lessons from other people’s challenging experiences, and those lessons are even more important when they help others prevent future accidents.
Read MoreIn a large facility, it goes without saying that increasing overall efficiency will save large amounts of money every year in operating cost. But that savings is often dependant on implementing, and following up on, several best practices in myriad different places throughout a system.
Read MoreA group of Brazilian associations including ASHRAE’s Brazil Chapter, ABRAVA, ASBRAV and ANPRAC held a seminar on industrial and commercial refrigeration in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, April 2-3.
Read MoreThe ammonia refrigeration industry continues to experience an increase in enforcement activities that utilize OSHA’s General Duty Clause, specifically in facilities with less than 10,000 pounds of ammonia, where OSHA expects process safety-like standards to be in place.
Read MoreWhen evaporator coil surfaces become coated with foreign particles, dust, dirt, pollen, bacteria, and mold, the ability to transfer heat is greatly reduced. Coils with a layer of dust the thickness of a dime lose up to 21 percent in effi ciency.
Read MoreThe phasing down of R22 production is well underway and operators are now looking for guidance on what options are available for replacing R22 in their existing systems. A wide range of ‘drop in’ refrigerant options are available to retrofit existing systems, typically consisting of blends of hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs.
Read MoreOne of the primary missions of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is to offer constructive tools and education that will assist members. In July, IIAR’s CO2 Committee embarked on the comprehensive task of revising the CO2 handbook that debuted four years ago. The new edition is scheduled to be released at IIAR’s annual conference.
Read MoreThe IIAR 2014 Conference and Heavy Equipment Show in Nashville is just around the corner, and that means my term as Chairman is almost over. Although the past year has fl own by, we’ve reached many of our biggest objectives, and we expect to continue< building on that success in 2014.
Read MoreThe beginning of the year has been a busy time at IIAR headquarters as we prepare for our Heavy Equipment show in Nashville. As usual, we’re looking forward to showcasing the best our industry has to offer.
Read MoreThe idea formed in Ron Worley’s mind six years ago when he began auditing ammonia refrigeration systems at Nestlé, where he was a manager of refrigeration engineering before his retirement.
Read MoreThe words ammonia and astronaut have been linked recently by more than their proximity in the encyclopedia. Last December, astronauts aboard the International Space Station embarked on a pair of dangerous spacewalks to replace a failed ammonia pump module outside the orbital laboratory.
Read MoreAmmonia refrigeration is emerging as a dominant market in many important world economies as governments move to re-energize the Montreal protocol to phase-down greenhouse gasses.
Read MoreWhat difference does the design of vertical piping arrangements have on two-phase ammonia fl ow? Can pressure drop in the suction riser be minimized or stabilized, leading to a significant decrease in power consumption at the compressor?
Read MoreThe 2015 editions of the International codes, including the International Mechanical Code (IMC) and the International Fire Code (IFC), have been completed and will be published later this year. A number of changes to these codes are of interest to IIAR members.
Read MoreLike a good science fiction plot, any ammonia-related incident has two parallel timelines. Making sure you’re aware of both of them, even before anything happens, can make the difference between public relations and operational horror story, and a good outcome.
Read MoreIt seems relatively simple: If the emergency contact for your facility changes, you must submit a corrected Risk Management Plan to the EPA within one month if your facility is covered by EPA’s Risk Management Program Rule (40 CFR Part 68). Y
Read MoreBuilding an energy-efficient machinery room can make a big difference in energy savings. But how much of a difference is largely dependent on what takes place outside of the room, where influences throughout the facility play a significant role in energy usage.
Read MoreBrazil will host the 2016 Olympics and the World Cup this year, two high-profi le events that will draw the attention of the rest of the world. And within our industry, several factors are making the country worth watching as it takes an increasingly central role in the international growth of natural refrigerants.
Read MoreTwo days after publishing a news story which many in the industrial refrigeration industry felt overstated the potential hazards of ammonia to the public, Pennsylvania-based newspaper, the Times Tribune, ran a follow-up news story presenting the industry in a more positive light.
Read MoreWhen the tragedy involving the explosions of ammonium nitrate occurred at the West, Texas, fertilizer facility last year, much of the national conversation turned to how industries can work to better protect workers and the public at large.
Read MoreIIAR Committees serve as a valuable forum for the open discussion of the critical issues facing the industry. IIAR’s government relations committee is one of the organization’s newest committees, focused on IIAR’s mission of advocacy
Read MoreOne of the most important functions of the IIAR Board of Directors is to set the strategic direction of the association every year. This year, board members met at the headquarters of ConAgra Foods in Omaha, Nebraska, to talk about ongoing initiatives and start making plans for the year ahead.
Read MoreThe second half of the year is always a challenging and busy time for the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, and so far, 2013 has followed that precedent. As we wrap up this year’s work on behalf of the industry, the IIAR leadership is pleased to report on several successful initiatives in many different areas.
Read MoreAs part of IIAR’s ongoing effort to create and update its comprehensive suite of standards, one small but important standard is set to be introduced next year.
Read MoreOn August 1st, President Obama announced the signing of an Executive Order entitled “Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security.”
Read MoreIIAR has had much success in the past 15 years in the model code arena, updating codes to more appropriately regulate ammonia refrigeration. I’m sometimes asked how we were able to sway the opinions of so many fire safety regulators to support approval of IIAR proposals, and the answer, in a word, is “education.”
Read MoreThe importance of color coding ammonia refrigeration piping is a generally accepted best practice these days, but the debate over which colors to use has been anything but black and white.
Read MoreWhere’s that vapor going? Sooner or later that question must be answered when some type of work is required on an ammonia refrigeration system.
Read MoreThe International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration held its first regional seminar for Central America and the Caribbean in Costa Rica last month, an event that marked the organization’s increasing involvement in education and safety advocacy in Latin America.
Read MoreIn 2013, the Costa Rican government began implementing its national strategy to eliminate hydrochlorofl ourocarbons while supporting IIAR’s first Industrial Refrigeration seminar in Central America.
Read MoreIncreased regulatory scrutiny and the growing emphasis on process safety management have spurred a steady relocation of equipment from production room fl oors, freezers and coolers to facility rooftops.
Read MoreThe search for non-ozone-depleting technologies is intensifying, with ammonia and other natural refrigerants emerging as the most viable solutions for industrial refrigeration, thanks to international treaties that put pressure on countries to phase down CFC’s and identify alternatives.
Read MoreWhether it was helping friends, family, and colleagues or advancing the interests of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, people who knew Don Siller described him as someone who was passionate about life.
Read MoreThe IIAR International Committee has been hard at work on several important initiatives since it became a formal working committee in 2012. One of the group’s most important goals in 2013 has been to facilitate training by conducting seminars and providing educational materials to governments and working groups in other countries.
Read MoreThe protection of industrial cold storage warehouses is one of the most difficult challenges facing the fire protection professional.
Read MoreWhen isolating equipment that contains liquid anhydrous ammonia, the potential exists for it to become over pressurized due to thermal expansion effects. The overpressure from liquid expansion could then result in the rupture and loss of ammonia from the equipment. And that rupture and loss, if large enough, could potentially have a serious or catastrophic consequence.
Read MoreSummer is typically a time to kick back, relax, and ease up on responsibilities – but that’s not the case for our organization this year. As I continue transitioning to my new role as chairman, I am continually impressed by the whirlwind of important projects taking place at headquarters.
Read MoreThroughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. Over the past few months, IIAR, and the ammonia refrigeration industry as a whole, have experienced several signs of promise and growth.
Read MoreOne of the biggest missions of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is to provide standards that will benefit the ammonia refrigeration industry worldwide.
Read MoreThe Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), signed into law in 1976, provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control potentially dangerous chemicals in U.S. commerce.
Read MoreAlthough much effort goes into coordinating various documents that regulate ammonia refrigeration systems, perfect harmony isn’t achievable for a variety of reasons. Anyone who designs or operates facilities that utilize ammonia refrigeration knows that we deal with a lot of codes and standards.
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