Chairman’s Message

Our IIAR Annual Conference and Exhibition in San Diego is finally here! The conference team has prepared a tremendous program for those of you attending this year, and while this is the last annual meeting during my term as Chairman, this year’s conference represents just the beginning of many exciting developments for IIAR and its members.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser marks the end of the last member year, and the beginning of a new one. It also marks our annual conference, where we come together from all corners of our industry to talk about the trends and technology shaping our business – at IIAR’s Annual Industrial Refrigeration Conference and Exhibition.

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The Case for CO2

The use of CO2 as a refrigerant has grown in recent years, thanks to market demand spurred by a combination of environmental regulatory actions and technology advances in microprocessor controls and valve design.

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EPA Issues Enforcement Alert on Anhydrous Ammonia

In February 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency issued an enforcement alert entitled: “Anhydrous Ammonia at Refrigeration Facilities Under Scrutiny by U.S. EPA.” The EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement issues alerts such as this periodically to highlight areas where the agency is placing enforcement priority.

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Welcome to San Diego and the 2015 IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition!

It’s time again for the industrial refrigeration industry’s largest conference and we think this will be one of the best and most informative programs we’ve ever produced. I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome all attendees to the 2015 IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition.

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Never Stop Learning

Over several decades I have met and worked with many outstanding refrigeration operators and engineers. These refrigeration operators have been able to truly operate their systems in an efficient, effective, and safe manner while keeping any ammonia releases down to incidental levels.

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The Codes and Standards Conundrum

In discussions on which codes and standards should be adhered to, I am all too often reminded of Daniel Patrick Moynihan who is the former U.S. Senator attributed with saying “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”

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IIAR Technical Program Highlights Growth of Natural Refrigerants

The growth of natural refrigerants such as ammonia and CO2 in industrial and commercial facilities, and the regulatory restrictions that accompany their use will be a central topic of discussion in technical papers to be presented at this year’s IIAR Annual Conference in San Diego.

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U.S. Chemical Safety Board Issues Bulletin on Hydraulic Shock

The U.S. Safety Chemical Board, or CSB, issued a safety bulletin on Jan. 15 that provided recommendations for industries utilizing anhydrous ammonia in bulk refrigeration operations.

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R-22 Phase Out Begins in U.S.

The recently issued U.S. government schedule for the phase out of R-22 is set to create opportunities for both the providers of natural refrigerants and for the developers of small charge technologies.

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IIAR Opens Search for New ARF Executive Director

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is looking for a new executive director for the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation to lead the non-profit research and education organization toward continued growth and expansion.

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IIAR Chapters Installation Project: Good News from the International Committee

Because we are always looking to make the information that we produce available to a greater number of end users for the benefit of our industry, the International Committee, following the direct request of our IIAR Chairman, Marcos Braz, has initiated the IIAR Chapters Implementation Project worldwide.

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Satisfying EAP and ERP Requirements

Every owner of an industrial ammonia refrigeration plant with more than 500 pounds of ammonia in the United States is required by government regulations to have an action and, or, response plan in place should an emergency event occur.

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Non-Condensable Gases in an Ammonia Refrigeration System

Although it could take many years for non-condensable gases to accumulate in an ammonia closed-circuit mechanical refrigeration system – enough to cause abnormal operations to be evident – that buildup will almost certainly occur if it isn’t managed.

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The current methodology for valve sizing has been accepted in the industrial refrigeration industry for years. This paper will review past efforts undertaken in the literature and standards to determine suitable methods for quantifying the compressible flow pressure drop in valves and attempts to compare them while providing a base rationale for which, if any, are appropriate methods for determining pressure drop

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