Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

Now that the fl urry of committee meetings, networking events and technical discussions of the IIAR conference has ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Over the years, I’ve enjoyed the professional support, technical guidance and personal friendship that are only possibl when one belongs to a group as enthusiastic and hardworking as IIAR. As an IIAR member and former committee chair, I came to the annual conference every year excited about the new ideas and projects that advance the work of our industry

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The First 30 Minutes

In most situations, the correct response to a threat involving ammonia in the first thirty minutes after it is identified will effectively contain most potential hazards, before they have enough time to grow into an unmanageable problem. Preparation can mean the difference between a disorganized response and the ability to shut down a potential incident when time matters the most.

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Monitoring Recent OSHA Enforcement Trends

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration continues to be a major focus of IIAR’s government relations efforts, including the work of the newly reconstituted Government Relations Committee. IIAR members are reporting that OSHA has become increasingly active with inspections and enforcement activities. The National Emphasis Program for Chemical Facilities, or NEP, is a major reason OSHA inspection of ammonia refrigeration facilities has increased.

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A Preview of the 2015 Codes

Before I begin my regular column, I would like to spend a moment in remembrance of the horrifi c tragedy that occurred in the town of West, Texas on April 17. As I write this article, a memorial service is taking place to honor the ten emergency responders who selfl essly gave their lives in the service of their community when they responded to a fi re at a fertilizer depot in the heart of town.

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Ongoing Reviews of Procedures Now Can Prevent Confusion Later

We learn, hopefully, by our experience – in a classroom, in the field, or in our personal study. When operating an ammonia refrigeration system, we depend on education combined with experience. That education and experience can take the form of well thought-out and written operating procedures. And it’s worth asking: Are those operating procedures reviewed at least annually with the intent to correct or improve them from experience?

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IIAR Shatters Attendance Records, Sets New Goals at Conference

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration hit record attendance numbers, signed agreements with international organizations and introduced a new president at its 2013 Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition, an event that marked a variety of transitions and new initiatives for the association this year.

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International Committee Meets for Second Time as Offi cial IIAR Working Committee

The IIAR International Committee’s second meeting since becoming a formal IIAR working committee in 2012 was attended by 54 people. After a review of the committee’s mission, purpose, scope and regional structure, Paul Bishop introduced the committee’s vice chairmen appointed since the last International Committee meeting was held in Milwaukee. John Flynn of Emerson Vilter was selected as the committee’s Senior Vice Chair.

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for NH3 Releases Less Than 15,000 PPM of Vapor

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets the safe work practice guidelines that employers must comply with as minimum standards. Many states have assumed administering authority and have the right to define a higher standard of safety, when local hazards and special conditions exist.

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ARF Targets $3 Million Funding Goal Amid Leadership Transitions

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation (ARF), the research and education foundation organized by IIAR, said it was on track to complete new research projects, award scholarships and raise existing funding levels this year.

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Understanding the Importance of Passivation

In recent years, the quality of the circulated water in evaporative condensers and cooling towers has declined as air and water pollution has increased. As regulations limit the use of many corrosion inhibitors for the hot dip galvanizing process, such as chromates, the passivation process for protection has become even more critical.

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