Country Boy Moves to Washington DC

Imagine the headline: “After a thirty-two-year career in industrial refrigeration, man returns to industrial refrigeration, starting his new position on April Fool’s day, while working at home during a once in a lifetime pandemic with a major event canceled, which has, in turn, cut the organization’s revenue stream by almost 50%” . . . No, these are not headline stories from your Linkedin Daily Rundown! They are the major events in my professional life since January of this year. And I could not be more blessed and excited to take on the challenge.

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Nothing is More Constant Than Change

To me, our conference has been almost like a large family reunion. It was with a heavy heart that the conference had to< be canceled by the Executive committee. The final factor in the decision to cancel was when the World Health Organization declared that there was a worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19.

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COPING WITH COVID-19 How the Refrigeration Industry is Safeguarding Employees and Operations

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis and disrupted communities worldwide. Those in the refrigeration industry have also felt the effects as they work to keep essential operations running, ensure employee and facility safety, and meet the needs of their cusromers.

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HFC Phase Out Continues Amid Uncertainty Over Regulations

Refrigeration industry end users are continuing to phase out ozone-depleting and high-global-warming-potential refrigerants to comply with regulatory requirements and proactively address environmental needs, but a lack of concrete direction from the federal government has resulted in uncertainty as well as a patchwork of state-by-state efforts.

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IIAR’s Virtual Conference to Deliver Technical Papers, Workshops and Panels

With COVID-19 limiting travel and causing people to stay home, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration transitioned its popular in-person annual conference, originally scheduled for March in Orlando, to a virtual conference that will provide online learning, beginning May 18.

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IIAR’s Virtual Conference Sunday Session Will Focus on Secondary Coolants

Among the sessions set for the IIAR’s Virtual Conference is a special educational session covering the use of secondary coolants for industrial ammonia refrigeration systems. Originally intended to be the Sunday Education

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IIAR Energy Efficiency Committee Focuses on Sustainability

Despite the cancellation of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2020 national conference, IIAR’s newest committee, the Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability Committee, is moving forward with its mission. The panel’s inaugural meeting was to have been at the Orlando conference.

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Foundation Celebrates Successful Fundraising Year

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation’s 2019 fundraising program was< extremely successful, raising more than one million dollars, according to Joe Mandato, ARF’s Trustee Chair who spearheaded the effort, which specifically focused on trustee-level pledges of $50,000 or more. “This was

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It’s a New World

Early in March, I was at a training meeting for Search & Rescue in my county. One of the first topics discussed was the upcoming training. In early March there were only 2 people who had tested positive for COVID-19 in the county. Still, I felt we should be proactive, and postpone training for March and April, just in case things changed. There was also an Assistant Professor from a local medical college in the meeting that strongly supported my suggestion.

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IIAR, ASTI, Developing Emergency Safety Guidance

After an ammonia incident occurred in 2012 that resulted in the loss of life, the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration took steps to enforce procedures employees must follow when performing rescue or medical duties.

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IIAR’s Academy of Natural Refrigerants Certificate Program

As a recent graduate of an IIAR Academy of Natural Refrigerants (ANR) to share some details of my experience with you. Overall, it was a great experience and I hope that after you read this article you will also be motivated to register for an ANR certificate course.

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Regulatory Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The current COVID-19 pandemic is having significant impacts on individuals and businesses across the globe. While many businesses continue to be closed, or their operations changed or restricted, companies designated as part of the critical infrastructure have maintained operations throughout the crisis.

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International Activities Continue Remotely, Despite Pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration has post-poned its international activities, with conferences scheduled in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador all moved to the winter and spring of 2021.

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