Chairman’s Message

The New Year is almost here, and for many of us, that means we’re wrapping up projects and getting ready for 2015. At IIAR headquarters, your staff team is hard at work adding the fi nal touches to the annual conference programming and conducting general planning activities for the year ahead.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

One of IIAR’s most important responsibilities is advocating on behalf of our members on state and federal policy. I’m happy to report that in 2014 we stepped up our efforts even more in this realm and we’ve been working closely with government regulatory agencies to provide them with our expertise in a number of different ways.

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THE MECHANICS OF CHANGE: Developing Industry-Specific Education to Narrow Industrial Refrigeration’s Skills Gap

Much has been made of the so-called manufacturing skills gap in the United States as manufacturers across a wide swath of industries report that the pool of prospective workers with the skill sets and certifications required to perform highly specialized job functions is narrowing, even as U.S. manufacturing continues its steady climb.

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IIAR Leads Coalition in Response to RMP Request for Information

In July 24, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency published a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the agency’s Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations. The RFI was generated as a part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to implement Executive Order 13650 - Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security.

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Avoiding Complacency

In most cases, experience is something we build upon. It allows us to take advantage of the things we’ve learned, and hopefully, remember those lessons when they matter most. But sometimes, no matter how important the lesson, it can get overlooked.

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Guntner Brazil Implements ARM for Climatic Test Chamber

The Ammonia Refrigeration Management Program, built by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration to help small facilities develop a sound safety plan focused on prevention, now has a global reach.

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Managing Infiltration

The buildup of frost and ice in a freezer at an industrial refrigeration facility is a sure-fire way to drain dollars from the bottom line. When the psychrometric properties of freezer air mass and infiltration air are not properly managed, energy costs can increase substantially.

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ARF News

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, the research arm of the ammonia refrigeration industry, reported that it raised $400,000 in donations in 2014, bringing its endowment to more than $2 million.

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IIAR, Industry Partners Respond to Regulatory Information Requests

Last year’s fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, drew the attention of regulatory agencies to nearly every corner of the chemical industry

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Eurammon Forum Highlights the Status of Natural Refrigerants

The Natural Refrigerants Forum organized by Eurammon on Wednesday, October 15 at the Chillventa fair in Nuremburg, Germany provided an intriguing survey of the factors, both positive and negative, infl uencing the use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants around the world.

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Measuring Pipe Wall Thickness

The issue of when, and how, to measure wall thickness on a pipe has become a hot topic in recent months. Clearly, it’s important to maintain the mechanical integrity of refrigeration systems in order to avoid ammonia leaks. But there is debate in the industry over when pipes that display no visible damage should be examined.

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Water Contamination in an Ammonia Refrigeration System Leads to Higher Costs

In many closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems, water contamination can occur over a period of time and the effects of that contamination can easily go unnoticed. One thing water contamination can do is cause an aqueous ammonia solution to be formed, which then replaces anhydrous ammonia refrigerant.

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The process of selecting air cooling evaporators to operate in a CO2 refrigeration system is very similar to selecting evaporators for ammonia. Evaporator manufacturers typically require the same input data for both refrigerants and likewise display performance and selection data in the same way.

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