Your ad in the Condenser delivers your message to a highly qualified target audience of 14,000+ industrial refrigeration end users, contractors and manufacturers.

The Condenser is a publication of the International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration.  It features technical articles that focus on the use of natural refrigerants, such as ammonia and carbon dioxide, in industrial and commercial refrigeration technology.  It contains informative operations and maintenance articles, updates that address safety and regulatory issues, and news and information about the International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration and its activities.

The Condenser readership is a highly qualified audience of industrial refrigeration decision-makers and opinion leaders who are members and contacts of the IIAR. IIAR provides advocacy and technical guidance to those who manufacture equipment, design and build ammonia refrigeration systems, operate and maintain industrial refrigeration facilities, provide training at all levels and provide consulting services including engineering and regulatory compliance.

Terms:  Ad space in the Condenser has been expanded to include a growing online audience in addition to traditional formats such as a downloadable/ printable pdf and email distribution. IIAR reserves the right to review and edit all material.  Ad space may not be subdivided between multiple advertisers.  No agency discount is given.

Please submit all advertisements to Andrea Fischer by email at

Advertising Tiers

IIAR makes advertising available across 3 distinct tiers:

Tier 1:  $2,800 – $3,500

*Range reflects frequency per year of ad publication (by quarter).

Ad space includes:

  • Premium banner placement on the Condenser website – Billboard 970 x 250.
  • Full page ad in the downloadable/ printable pdf.
  • Quarterly email distribution to over 14,000 subscribers.

 1X (per year)

 2-3X (per year)

 4X (per year)





Tier 2:  $2,200 – $2,700

*Range reflects frequency per year of ad publication (by quarter).

Ad space includes:

  • Standard banner placement on the Condenser website – Size 300 x 600.
  • Full page ad in the downloadable/ printable pdf.
  • Quarterly email distribution to over 14,000 subscribers.

 1X (per year)

 2-3X (per year)

 4X (per year)





Tier 3:  $1,100 – $2,260

*Range reflects frequency per year of ad publication (by quarter).

Ad space includes:

  • Basic banner placement on the Condenser website – Size 300 x 250.
  • Fractional page ad sizes in the downloadable/ printable pdf (fractional sizes: 1/4, 1/2, 2/3).
  • Quarterly email distribution to over 14,000 subscribers.



 1X (per year)

 2-3X (per year)

 4X (per year)

 2/3 Page 





 1/2 Page 





 1/4 Page






Ad Deadlines

*August 2024 Issue: July 9, 2024 
*November 2024 Issue: October 9, 2024
*February 2025 Issue: January 9, 2025 
*May 2025 Issue: April 9, 2025


Online Ad Sizes

Billboard - 970 x 250 – All Premium Condenser Advertisers

Half Page - 300 x 600 – All Full Page (Non-Premium) Condenser Advertisers

Medium Banner - 300 x 250 – All Partial Page Condenser Advertisers

Printable/ Downloadable PDF Ad Sizes

Full Page

2/3 Page Island

2 Page Spread

1/4 Page

1/3 Page

1/2 Page

1/2 Page

Please submit all advertisements to Andrea Fischer by email at