President’s Message by Gary Schrift

Buckling our seatbelts, filling our own gas tanks, sending an email, and burning propane or natural gas in our homes for heating was once unthinkable. These technologies replaced dad’s arm across your chest during a fast stop, the serviceman pumping gas and checking your oil level, typewriters and the mail service, and coal or wood-burning stoves. There are times I wish to go back. Like when it’s pouring rain and I am nearly out of gas, or when my PC fails, and I feel helpless. Boy wouldn’t that gas station attendant or typewriter be great now.

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Chairman’s Message By Eric Johnston

Conference time is here again and although it’s hard to think we’ll spend one more year meeting online rather than in person, there’s a lot to look forward to. For the executive committee and your staff at headquarters, that means everyone is working hard to make sure our recent initiatives – from the renewed focus on IIAR member benefits to the many new projects our committees have started – will put us in the best possible position as we look forward to the eventual end of this pandemic.

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Pressure Relief Design Considerations From a PSM Compliance Standpoint (Part Two)

In the first article of this series, some of the factors that affect the relief capacity of a relief system that are often overlooked were highlighted to raise awareness of what is needed to properly document the safety relief design. In this article, we will discuss some of the pitfalls associated with internally relieving relief valves. It has long been held that the best way to relieve overpressure in an ammonia refrigeration system is to have the safety relief valves (SRVs) relieve into another part of the system, often simply on the opposite side of the downstream isolation valve. While this can be a viable option, it is often fraught with pitfalls.

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EPA Takes Aim at the Future Proposed rulemaking Jumpstarts HFC phasedown

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been given statutory authority to move forward with phasing down hydrofluorocarbons as part of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act (AIM), which is expected to increase the long-term use of natural refrigerants. The agency has taken rapid action, and on May 3, it released its first proposed rulemaking under the AIM Act to establish an allocation system for the HFC phasedown.

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IIAR Brings Synchronous Learning Opportunities to Industrial Refrigeration

COVID-19 has changed the way learning takes place across the globe with virtual opportunities and distance learning taking off as social distancing and travel restrictions have kept people out of classrooms. IIAR is among those groups that pivoted to provide valuable learning opportunities to those within the refrigeration industry. In March, IIAR partnered with Don Fenton, a professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at Kansas State University, to bring the 54th offering of the Industrial Refrigeration Workshop to participants through online synchronous learning, which allowed participants to interact with instructors in real-time.

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IIAR Annual Conference Continues with Virtual Platform

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2021 annual Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo will continue with its virtual format, providing four days of technical knowledge, networking, and industrysponsored events for those involved in the natural refrigeration industry. The event first went virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Industry Joins Together to Provide Valuable Training to OSHA Inspectors

Occupational Safety and Health Administration compliance officers are continuing to benefit from ammonia refrigeration education presented by the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium. The training, which is funded by IIAR, the Global Cold Chain Alliance, IRC, and OSHA, first launched in the fall of 2014.

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IIAR’s Annual Conference to Feature a Deep Dive on the Ammonia Piping Handbook

During the 2021 Natural Refrigeration Conference and Expo, IIAR will offer a four-hour training on the IIAR Refrigeration Piping Handbook. “It will examine all the parts of the handbook and provide an overview of the content,” said Eileen McKeown, vice president for marketing and sales for IIAR. The educational session, Ammonia Piping Handbook Education Program: Exploring an Essential Tool for Designers, Contractors, and Operators, will take place on Thursday, June 24 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time.

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IIAR Annual Conference Continues with Virtual Platform

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2021 annual Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo will continue with its virtual format, providing four days of technical knowledge, networking, and industry sponsored events for those involved in the natural refrigeration industry. The event first went virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Technical Papers and Workshops at a Glance

Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) are written documents intended for use in the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of process equipment. There has been a move in the ammonia refrigeration industry towards standardization, yet there are historical variants which often cause confusion. This session will examine RAGAGEP variants and discuss the importance of adhering to IIAR standards. We’ll also look at tools for keeping RMP/PSM programs on-track and ensuring that a process adheres to RAGAGEP standards. Uriah Donaldson, Resource Compliance

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The Industry at Rest: How SEC Benchmarking will Create New Momentum in the Refrigeration Sector for Mixed-Use Refrigerated Warehousing.

Newton’s first law in part states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. And this is where we are at the moment. Our industry, specifically in the mixed-use refrigerated warehouse sector is at rest. Or differently expressed, at a standstill when it comes to ongoing improvements, new ideas, and implementation of new technology that has the potential to make systems and plants more energy-efficient and creates ongoing savings for our clients.

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Rising Rates: Strategies for Managing Bond Risks

Federal Reserve monetary policies can affect the entire fixed-income market, and the prospect of rising interest rates is a major concern for bond investors. Regardless of the rate environment, however, bonds are a mainstay of investors who want to generate income or dampen the effects of stock market volatility on their portfolios. Now that the Fed is raising rates toward more typical historical levels, you may have questions about how higher rates might affect your fixed-income investments and what you can do to help mitigate the effect on your portfolio.

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OSHA Ramps Up COVID Enforcement By Lowell Randel, IIAR Government Relations Director

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a high priority for the Biden Administration. Despite increases in vaccinations and lower cases in many parts of the country, President Biden is calling on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ramp up its enforcement efforts to regulate workplaces. Biden was critical of OSHA during the Trump Administration for not being aggressive enough in protecting workers from COVID-19.

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Different Views on Regulations in Europe and the USA

In my February 2019 article, I examined the need for sprinkler systems in machinery rooms in the USA and their prohibition in Europe. Afterward, I was contacted by Jeff Shapiro who indicated that Anders Lindborg, an honorary life member of IIAR and expert on ammonia releases, had changed his mind just before he passed away and was no longer arguing against sprinkler systems in machinery rooms. Jeff also provided his article from 2011 that laid out the different perspectives of experts from each side. It is evident that this has been a long-running discussion and has caused some confusion within the industry.

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Scholarships Provide Multiple Learning Opportunities for Recipients

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, which supports research and education programs benefiting the industrial refrigeration industry, is currently accepting applications for IIAR’s Founders Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to collegiate juniors exhibiting exceptional character and interest in pursuing an engineering or related technical degree leading to a career in the refrigeration field.

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IIAR Standards: A Look Back

Bob Czarnecki can’t remember exactly when he started as chairman of IIAR’s Standards Committee, but he thinks it was 10 to 12 years ago. “The former chair had some medical issues, and I was filling in for him. So, I’m blurred as to when I started,” Czarnecki said. “When I first started, the mandate was to develop, maintain and interpret standards. At the time, we had two standards that were ANSI approved. Since then, we have developed eight other standards that have gotten ANSI approval.”

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