Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

Summer is typically a time to kick back, relax, and ease up on responsibilities – but that’s not the case for our organization this year. As I continue transitioning to my new role as chairman, I am continually impressed by the whirlwind of important projects taking place at headquarters.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. Over the past few months, IIAR, and the ammonia refrigeration industry as a whole, have experienced several signs of promise and growth.

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IIAR Standards Committee Pursues Organization’s Goals

One of the biggest missions of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is to provide standards that will benefit the ammonia refrigeration industry worldwide.

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Congress Considers Modernization of Chemical Security Laws

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), signed into law in 1976, provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control potentially dangerous chemicals in U.S. commerce.

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Dealing With Conflicting Codes and Standards

Although much effort goes into coordinating various documents that regulate ammonia refrigeration systems, perfect harmony isn’t achievable for a variety of reasons. Anyone who designs or operates facilities that utilize ammonia refrigeration knows that we deal with a lot of codes and standards.

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The Standard for Tomorrow

In 1974, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration issued IIAR-2, a standard that would uniquely address the design and installation of ammonia refrigeration systems for the first time and establish IIAR as the standards writing body dedicated exclusively to ammonia refrigeration.

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Emergency Planning Should Involve Coordination with Local Responders

Coordination with local responders is a basic safety responsibility for any facility, but in some cases, even if a company has a well-articulated emergency plan, the lessons learned from a small incident can reveal much bigger considerations.

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Remembering Rudy Nechay

Ammonia refrigeration lost one of its most entrepreneurial and dedicated leaders last month with the passing of Rudy Nechay, a man friends and family described as passionate about his work and devoted to the advancement of his industry.

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Eurammon Focuses on Sustainability at Annual Conference

The European organization representing natural refrigerants continued to emphasize the sustainable reach of refrigeration at its annual conference, which this year included a presentation from IIAR chairman, Bob Port.

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IIAR International Workshops Address Safety

On Monday, June 3 at about six o’clock in the morning, a fire broke out at a plant containing an ammonia refrigeration system which belonged to the Baoyuanfeng Poultry Company in the city of Dehui, in the Jilin Province of Northeastern China.

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Montreal Protocol Emphasizes Natural Refrigerants

Earlier this year, the United States and China agreed to work together with other countries to use the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down consumption and production of hydrofl uorocarbons.

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IIAR Expands International Outreach with Colombia Visit

As the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration continues to establish itself as the primary resource for ammonia refrigeration and other natural refrigerants, international partnerships are more important than ever before.

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ARF Welcomes New Trustees, Board Chair

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation said that it recently welcomed three new trustees and board members

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Natural Refrigerants Meet Global Warming Challenge

Driven by the forces of consumer optimism and business demand, the market for new environmentally friendly technologies has boomed in recent years. But now, environmental scientists are painting a bleaker picture: those new technologies will not be enough to slow global warming in the near future, when taking action to reduce greenhouse gasses will matter the most.

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Using Electronic Records Systems

Everyone is going paperless! Well, not entirely, of course. Not long ago, a member contacted the IIAR and noted that the mechanical integrity chapter of the IIAR PSM/RMP guidelines states that “Copies of the completed log sheets and maintenance and inspection records should be kept on file.

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