Author: developer

Energy Performance of Low Charge, Central Type, Dual Stage NH3 Refrigeration Systems in Practice

STEFAN S. JENSEN, B.SC.ENG. FIEAUST, CPENG, NER, RPEQ, F.AIRAH SCANTEC REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGIES PTY. LTD.; BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA ABSTRACT Development of low charge NH3 refrigeration systems is taking place throughout the world for various applications, predominantly for refrigerated storage and packaged solutions to chill liquids and/or condition refrigerated spaces. These developments are initiated by a global […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

This month you’ll be hearing from IIAR about one of our most important annual activities, our membership renewal drive. As an IIAR member, we all depend on you to take that essential first step to participate in the activism and advocacy of our industry, by keeping your membership current. I’d like to use my column […]

Chairman’s Message by Mike Lynch

As your new Chairman, my first priority this year is to extend a warm welcome to all our new IIAR members. You are joining a community passionate about its work. Your participation and spirit of volunteer leadership is essential in creating the growth and change that will help our natural refrigeration industry meet the new […]


DECIPHERING THE GENERAL DUTY CLAUSE mmonia refrigeration systems are becoming more compact, portable and simpler to install, widening the potential for adoption of ammonia, carbon dioxide and other natural refrigerants in previously untapped industries. The evolution of low-charge and package ammonia systems, which means they no longer require a complex installation for some end-user facilities, […]

With New Technology, Buying Decisions Hinge on Efficiency

he focus on efficiency and more important in every arena, and a growing number of companies are prioritizing the potential for long-term efficiency gains, reduced labor costs and streamlined maintenance – over initial cost – when designing their facilities. “There is no magic bullet. It takes a lot of magic bullets,” said Pete Lepschat, director […]

Industrial Refrigerant Apprenticeship Program Nears Completion

 consortium of agencies including RETA, IIAR, ARF, the Global Cold Chain Alliance, FASTPORT and Lanier Technical College has been working diligently to build the Industrial Refrigerant Apprenticeship Program and to get it up and running with the U.S. Department of Labor. It is with great pleasure that we announce that the process is nearly complete. […]

ARF Message

High School Program Attracts Kids to Refrigeration In an effort to attract more young people to the industrial refrigeration industry using natural refrigerants, a high school in Azle, Texas, is taking a novel approach. By offering a fully dedicated ammonia refrigeration class, the school gives students unprecedented hands-on training, meaningful work experience and even industry […]

Documenting RAGAGEP

BY PETER JORDAN, MBD RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. he Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard (29 CFR 1910.119) was issued as a final rule in 1992. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Risk Management Program (RM Program) regulation (40 CFR 68.79) was issued as a final rule in 1994. Since both these regulations […]

Standards Committee Focuses on CO2

ne of the main focuses this year for the Standards Committee has been the development of a CO2 standard. As this refrigerant is growing in popularity, it’s becoming clear the industry needs guidance on its development, deployment and safety measures. John Collins, the CO2 safety standard taskforce leader and Industrial Sales Manager for manufacturer, Zero […]

International Committee Expands Outreach

Over the past year and a half, IIAR’s International Committee has established working chapters in several Latin American countries and has its sights set on more countries across the region and the world. Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Central America, Costa Rica and Mexico now all have active IIAR chapters, and the group is taking […]

Marketing Committee’s Report Quantifies Member Data

his year the IIAR Marketing Committee released its first State of the Industry report. The objective of the report was to compile various data sets and information about the industry and present it to IIAR members in an easily digestible way to share valuable information. “Our goal this year was to initiate the report for […]

How much is in the system?

BY KEM RUSSELL Anyone who has an ammonia system should know how much ammonia is in the system. There are at least a couple of important reasons. One reason is compliance with federal safety and risk-management regulations. If the system is over the threshold quantity of 10,000 pounds, then it is subject to both the […]

Putting more Action in your Emergency Action Plan

n an emergency situation, every minute counts, and having a plan in place allows first responders and public safety officials to contain most threats before they grow into an unmanageable problem. During the Las Vegas Safety Day event, the Ammonia Safety and Training Institute, the Las Vegas Hazmat Team and others, including Michael Winburn, vice […]

IIAR Advances Regulatory Reform Proposals

President Trump has made regulatory reform a high priority for his administration. Trump has signed several executive orders on regulatory reform and task forces have been established at regulatory agencies to identify opportunities for regulatory relief. With the positive climate for regulatory reform, IIAR has been exploring regulatory changes that would provide regulatory relief while […]

IIAR Remembers: Jim Wright

A longtime member of IIAR, two-term board member, friend and mentor to many in industrial refrigeration, Jim Wright was known for his tireless passion for a job well done, and his warm, generous spirit, which he shared freely with friends and colleagues. Highly regarded in the industry, Wright’s friends and colleagues say he was one […]

Best Practices in Managing an OSHA NEP or EPA GDC Inspection

EDWARD JOHNSON, CARO, SENIOR EHS RISK ENGINEERING MANAGER DEAN FOODS ABSTRACT This paper gives ammonia refrigeration professionals guidance on Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) National Emphasis Program (NEP) or United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) General Duty Clause (GDC) inspections and the regulations and documents that govern them. Specifically, the paper discusses the following […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

Business as usual is a term that has never applied well to industrial refrigeration. Our economic sector is constantly changing to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving supply chain, as we examine in this month’s cover story. Regulatory change, new technology and equipment development has propelled us into ever broader markets and applications for […]

Chairman’s Message by Mike Lynch

In this issue of the Condenser, you’ll find several stories focused on new regulatory changes, code updates and the work of our many IIAR committees to keep the standards, education, and outreach efforts of our industry current and relevant. These last three things: standards, education, and outreach, are perhaps the most important activities IIAR members […]


The global need for cold storage space is increasing dramatically, driven by growth in the world’s population, increased varieties of perishable commodities and consumer demand for fresh produce year-round rather than just when it is in season. ccupancy rates at cold-storage facilities are at an all-time high, said Corey Rosenbusch, president of the Global Cold […]

IIAR Standards Suite Gets Update

IAR is working on changes to many of IIAR’s suite of standards. In a conversation with the Condenser, Standards Committee Chair Bob Czarnecki discussed each individual standard, providing detailed updates on the work being done. Here, the changes under consideration are outlined, organized by standard. IIAR-2 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR SAFE DESIGN OF CLOSED-CIRCUIT AMMONIA […]

Trade Groups, Lawmakers Speak Out in Support of the Kigali Amendment

Trade Groups, Lawmakers Speak Out in Support of the Kigali Amendment Several groups are focusing on advancing the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which calls for a worldwide phase-down in the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons. The Kigali amendment, if ratified, establishes multiple legally binding schedules for participating countries to cap and phase-down the […]

Federal, State Programs Open Opportunity for Natural Refrigerants

nterest in natural refrigerants is continuing to increase, and several federal and state projects, led in particular by California legislation and agencies, are investing significant amounts of money into research and development programs designed to advance technology that could increase natural refrigerant use. INVESTING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL At the federal level, the Department of […]


roject safety management and risk management plans are the subject of a recent IIAR publication update. IIAR has updated its PSM/ RMP manual, a compilation of all relevant Occupational Health and Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency requirements that would concern end users of ammonia refrigeration systems over 10,000 pounds. Drafted in 2011, the manual […]

Latin American Countries Draft IIAR-Informed National Standards

he refrigeration industry in Latin America is critical to the regional and global economy, and thanks to an increasing awareness of environmental issues, government leaders are partnering with local chapters of IIAR to use their standards in drafting national regulations for the industry. Yesenia Rector, the international director at IIAR, said IIAR’s relevance in Latin […]

Market-Driven Energy Efficiency

uilding a facility and then retrotting it to be more energy efficient has been a practice used in the refrigeration industry for years; however, some forwardthinking companies are planning for efficient facilities from the start, and as costs come down, more organizations are willing to spend more upfront to see returns in the long-term. However, […]

Estate Planning: Key Documents You Need

The IIAR and ARF reserve investment funds are currently managed by Stifel Financial Services under the investment policy established by their respective board of directors. In this and subsequent issues of the Condenser, you’ll find a “financial tech tips” article from the firm on this page. Members of IIAR may use the financial services of […]

Adding and Removing Oil

BY KEM RUSSELL One of the important maintenance tasks in the operation of a refrigeration system is adding and removing oil. Oil is necessary in systems as a lubricant and, or, a sealant. Knowing how to identify and deal with the oil balance in a system is very important. Improper balance can have multiple effects […]

Appeals Court Vacates Trump Rule Delaying RMP Changes

A federal appeals court in August vacated a delay in Obama-era changes to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Risk Management Program (RMP) that would add compliance requirements to regulated facilities. Shortly after taking office, the Trump Administration issued a series of delays to the effective date of the RMP amendments, resulting in a final effective date […]

The 2018 and 2021 Codes Where We Are & Where We Are Headed

EDITOR’S NOTE: Jeff Shapiro is president of International Code Consultants and serves as IIAR’s code consultant. This article is the first in a two-part series examining 2018 and 2021 codes and the future of code development. The 2018 editions of the International, Uniform and NFPA codes that affect the ammonia refrigeration industry, including the International […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about operations. As you can see from our cover, one of the most important factors in that equation is geographical location. The regional and local operating environments define the business and regulatory landscape across the country. And that definition, in turn, determines how we uphold our high standards […]


How Local Regulations, State Operating Environments, and U.S. Geography are Shaping Building Decisions The cost of real estate, an available workforce and proximity to transportation dictate where businesses build industrial refrigeration facilities, and those factors are more important than ever in recent years. As rising demand spurs cold chain growth, clear winner (and loser) locations […]

The 2018 and 2021 Codes: Where We Are & Where We Are Headed (Part 2)

JEFFREYM. SHAPIRO, P.E., FSFPE art 1 of this article presented IIAR’s many successes in changing the 2018 editions of model mechanical, building, fire and electrical codes in working with FM Global to update their recommendations for facilities with ammonia refrigeration. Part 2 provides a preview of IIAR’s proposed changes to ASHRAE 15 and the 2021 […]

Understanding Compliance

BILL LAPE was talking recently to a professional acquaintance who told me that he is encountering more and more facility managers that ask him, “What is the minimum that we have to do to comply with 29 CFR 1910.119 and 40 CFR Part 68?” He said others often go so far as to make a […]

ARF News

Dear Colleagues, The end of the year offers a time of reflection and an opportunity to give back to the programs, organizations and people that have supported us throughout the year. I am excited to tell you about all your foundation has accomplished in 2018 . . . and issue a challenge to you to […]

Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

The IIAR and ARF reserve investment funds are currently managed by Stifel Financial Services under the investment policy established by their respective board of directors. In this and subsequent issues of the Condenser, you’ll find a “financial tech tips” article from the firm on this page. Members of IIAR may use the financial services of […]


Are you “aware” in all, or at least most of LESSON the aspects of your life? Awareness implies that you have knowledge of something by maintaining a level of alertness in observing or in interpreting what you see, hear, feel, etc. Some people are very aware, but most of us limit our awareness to what […]

Supreme Court Declines to Hear HFC Case, EPA Proposes Removing HFC Leak Requirements

On October 9th, the Supreme Court of the United States declined to consider the case of whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the authority to regulate hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. The case originated from a lawsuit brought by two HFC international manufacturers (Mexichem and Arkema) that sued EPA […]

Energy and Function Analysis of Hot Gas Defrost in Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

NIELS VESTERGAARD GLOBAL APPLICATIONS EXCELLENCE MANAGER INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION DANFOSS A/S MORTEN JUEL SKOVRUP GLOBAL APPLICATIONS EXCELLENCE MANAGER INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION DANFOSS A/S ABSTRACT Ammonia has over decades proven its value as an effective refrigerant, but choosing the right— and correctly sized—defrost and control methods is important to ensure high efficiency. Traditionally one of two methods for […]

Chairman’s Message by Walter Teeter

The Annual Conference and Heavy Equipment Show was a great success this year, and now that the flurry of committee meetings, networking events and technical discussions has ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year. […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

Now that we’ve all returned from San Antonio, it’s a new member year, and your staff is digging in to accomplish many of the new goals set out for 2017. First among them is planning the next successful conference. We’re looking forward to returning to the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, and I hope to see […]

The Green Transformation

HFC Phase Out Spurs Natural Refrigerant Growth efrigeration manufacturers said they would make production plans and future product development decisions according to the expected worldwide HFC refrigerant phase down put forth by the Kigali Amendment. The amendment, last year’s Montreal Protocol add-on, will specify phase-out deadlines for HFC’s, adding those refrigerants with high global warming […]

Where Rules Regulate Refrigeration, Uncertainty Surrounds Trump Administration

 new presidential administration always brings changes, but the election of President Trump has also brought a new level of uncertainty for the natural refrigeration industry. “We’re in a very new world with the Trump administration,” said Lowell Randel, vice president, government and legal affairs for the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration. “We can get clues […]

Who’s Ready?

by Kem Russell The majority of am monia refrigeration systems are well built, – lesson well maintained, and operated by people who know what they’re doing. IIAR has several Standards established to help in design, construction, maintenance and inspection of ammonia refrigeration systems and all of these factors usually result in no more than incidental […]

ARF News

Message from the Foundation Chairman “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” –John Quincy Adams The son of John Adams, our more widely renowned second President, John Quincy Adams, and our nation’s sixth President, was an incredibly accomplished statesman and visionary. And he […]

Stick to the Design and Keep Coils Clean for Maximum Efficiency

nderstanding and sticking to the design characteristics of a cold room along with keeping evaporator coils clean, is the key to maintaining a system’s maximum efficiency level. Deviating from a system’s specified operating design, or failing to check the cleanliness and condition of coils, will waste energy and reduce the desired results. A case in […]

IIAR Guideline to Address Low-Charge Ammonia Systems

IAR said it is developing an informative guideline document designed to help facilities with low-charge ammonia refrigeration systems simplify compliance with the OSHA and EPA General Duty Clause requirements from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Environmental Protection Administration. The proposed guideline, currently titled Compliance Guidelines for LowCharge Systems, will be independent of IIAR’s […]

EPA Publishes Final Rule on Risk Management Program

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed it multi-year effort to revise the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulation with the publication of a Final Rule on Friday, January 13, 2017. The rulemaking was initiated as a part of President Obama’s Executive Order on Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security, which came in response to the fertilizer […]

Compliance Doesn’t ETY Automatically Mean Safety

our industrial ammonia refrigeration facility meets all the local, state and federal requirements regarding regulatory compliance, the Process Safety Management program or Risk Management program is up to date, the paperwork has been properly filed and you pass a government inspection. Does this mean that your facility is safe? Not necessarily, according to Peter Jordan, […]

Eight Things to Know About Your 5-Year Mechanical Integrity Inspection

echanical integrity inspections should be conducted on the entire refrigeration system every five years in order to determine that an ammonia refrigeration facility’s equipment is safe and working to premium capacity And the effectiveness of that five-year inspection hinges on eight critical points: Timing of the inspection Most inspections will examine all equipment in the […]

Operating Procedures i n a r for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems

ony Lundell, Director of Standards and Safety with the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, hosted a webinar in January titled “Operating Procedures for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems” as part of IIAR’s program aimed at educating and advancing safety initiatives for its members. Lundell’s webinar was part of a series for members to share their knowledge about […]

Causes of Surface Condensation on Insulated Piping

Jim Young Director of Technology ITW Insulation Systems In addition to reducing heat gain from the ambient environment, one of the main purposes of insulation on pipe and mechanical equipment operating at below ambient temperatures is to prevent condensation on the outer surface of the insulation system. Preventing this surface condensation is simple in concept. […]

Chairman’s Message by Walter Teeter

We’re kicking off a new year and setting new agendas, and even though I’m well into my term as your IIAR Chairman, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone – new and renewing members alike. We’ve just wrapped up our annual agenda-setting session and meeting of the Board of Directors, and I’m happy […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

It’s the beginning of the summer and that means it’s time for one of IIAR’s most important activities – leading membership renewals. And while this may seem like a routine activity we all work hard to complete every year, I’d like to take the opportunity in my column this month to point out that, as […]


Networked Equipment Aims to Improve Safety, Operations he Internet of Things — an increasingly massive network of electronically connected systems, devices and people that enables cross-platform data sharing — is creating a large, connected ecosystem across many industries, including refrigeration. “There is continuing growth in remote monitoring with all types of refrigeration equipment, driven largely […]

Packaged Components Promise Flexibility, Lower Install Costs

ackage systems are providing turn-key solutions for those within the refrigeration industry, and some manufacturers are turning to packaged components within those systems, which can cut down on the number of parts in use and make maintenance easier. “Years ago, everything was basically custom, but today you’re seeing lots of people packaging equipment and some […]

Cleaner Coils Boost Cooling Capacity

hen a large food distribution facility was faced with major issues resulting from evaporator and condenser coils coated with dust, dirt, and production debris, it turned to EcoClear in Georgia and its deepcleaning system. The facility was looking to improve air flow, increase dehumidification, improve energy savings and reduce maintenance cost through a deep cleaning […]

IIAR Members Honored with Awards from Accelerate America

ccelerate America magazine honored five IIAR member companies for their work in advancing natural refrigerant adoption in North America as part of its second annual awards program. The awards were presented in June during the ATMOsphere America conference in San Diego The magazine, which is produced by shecco America, presented best-insector awards to: Whole Foods […]

IIAR Remembers George Yoksas

eorge Yoksas was a long-time federal safety regulator, but he hated when red tape got in the way of solving issues. “He wanted to find> solutions. He would say, ‘How can we make this work and have a meaningful impact?’ ” said Doug Reindl, a professor in the University of Wisconsin departments of Engineering Professional […]

Sealless Pumps Reap Energy Savings

eal-less magnetic pumps, or mag-drive pumps, have become the preferred option for a variety of conditions in the ammonia refrigeration industry, mainly because they take the heat generated by the pump’s electric motor out of the cooling process. Sealless magnetic-drive pumps (MDP) are equipped with totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors, offering versatility for a variety […]

R-22: Five Things to Know

ith production of HCFC refrigerants ending in less than three years, food and beverage manufacturers who currently rely on R-22 are faced with some difficult choices. Although facilities can continue to use recycled, reclaimed or stockpiled R-22 past Jan. 1, 2020, there will come a time when the shift to lower global-warming-potential synthetic refrigerants or […]

ARF to Create Industry Insulation Standards and Quality Control Guidelines

hile insulation is a critical element currently is no industry standard for installation or quality control of the installation, a gap that the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation plans to address with a new research project. “Cold insulation systems are very finicky about how they are installed. Just like a cold beer on a hot humid day […]

RETA, IIAR Develop CO2 Training Materials

s hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons are being phased out, there is a growing emphasis on natural refrigerants. To help improve safety and educate those within the industry, IIAR and the Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association are working to create safety standards and develop educational materials Dave Rule, president of IIAR, said ammonia and carbon dioxide are […]

Trump Administration Advances Regulatory Reform

President Trump made regulatory reform a priority during the campaign and pledged to provide industry relief from overly burdensome regulations.Since President Trump took office, he has initiated a number of actions to advance regulatory reform that will impact the industrial refrigeration industry. INITIAL “FREEZE” ON REGULATIONS On January 20th, White House Chief of Staff Reince […]


B. PIJNENBURG AND J. RITMANN BITZER KÜHLMASCHINENBAU GMBH, JENS JUULS VEJ 16, 8260 VIBY J. AARHUS, DK E-MAIL: BAS.PIJNENBURG@BITZER.DE, JOHN.RITMANN@BITZER.DE ABSTRACT mmonia screw compressor packs utilizing parallel operation of two or three smaller industrial NH3 screw compressors offer the optimum way to fulfill maximum part load efficiency, increased redundancy, and other highly desirable features in […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

In this issue of the Condenser, we’re looking at the exit strategies that end users and manufacturers alike are using – to move away from hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons. As former IIAR chairman Bob Port mentions in our cover story “There is a lot of internal pressure to get out of [HFC’s and HCFC’s] from a […]

Making the Investment

How End Users Are Spending on New Technologies s they move away from refrigerants with high global warming potential, commercial and industrial refrigeration users said they’re investing in new, natural refrigerant technology, including packaged ammonia systems and CO2 transcritical systems. The move to newer technologies is allowing them to ease some regulatory burdens, increase efficiency […]

Did Amazon Just Invest in Natural Refrigerants?

n August, Amazon completed its $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods Market Inc., and the e-commerce giant now owns the upscale grocer Whole Foods, which is based in Austin, Texas, and has more than 460 stores in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Amazon currently operates fewer than 100 distribution centers in the […]

Comparing Ammonia to 1234yf

lthough ammonia has been the refrigerant of choice in industrial refrigeration systems for more than a century, it has faced competition from numerous synthetic refrigerants, most recently 1234yf and R32. Although the use of ammonia brings with it a greater regulatory burden, it remains the more logical choice of refrigerant in larger refrigeration systems, especially […]

Back to Basics: To Reduce the Energy Burden, Reduce the Load

New technologies have led to improvements in energy efficiency, but it will take a new and smarter approach to industrial refrigeration system design to harness the full potential of energy savings – systems that are environmentally sound and costeffective. “The rules of thumb that engineers still go by, because that’s how they were trained, may […]

Situational Awareness Does Matter

I have often thought about situational awareness, but only on a cursory level. In my experience in dealing with emergencies, and seeing how people act in some situations most people seem oblivious to what is happening or can happen. Here is a recent experience I had that jarred me again into thinking about situational awareness. […]

Attention: End Users and Contractors working in Illinois

n May of 2015, IIAR was notified that inspectors with the Illinois State Fire Marshal were requesting that ammonia vessels as part of refrigeration systems be internally inspected. Representatives from the IIAR met with the Division Chief and several members of the Illinois Board of Boiler Rules in June of 2015 and presented the case […]

Wealth Planning: Where to Begin on Education Funding

The IIAR and ARF reserve investment funds are currently managed by Stifel Financial Services under the investment policy established by their respective board of directors. In this and subsequent issues of the Condenser, you’ll find a “financial tech tips” article from the firm on this page. Members of IIAR may use the financial services of […]

To Stay Competitive, “Do the Math and Trust the Science”

educed-charge central ammonia refrigeration systems do not have to mean lower efficiency. With current technology, industrial refrigeration systems can be designed with a smaller ammonia charge and still operate at high efficiency. The key is trusting the math when designing a system. “My analogy is that you don’t use the same computer that you did […]

Closing the Flammability Gap

The safety of synthetic refrigerants versus anhydrous ammonia continues to provide a major point of debate within the refrigeration industry. Since ratification of the Montreal Protocol two decades ago, there has been a trend toward eliminating non-flammable synthetic refrigerants that have ozone depleting potential or global warming potential. At the same time, questions concerning the […]

Court Rules Against EPA Regulating HFCs through SNAP Program

On August 8, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a ruling in the case of Mexichem Fluor Inc. vs. the EPA finding that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exceeded its statutory authority by promulgating a rule in 2015 that regulated the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The 2015 […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about education and training. As you can see from our cover, IIAR is unveiling a new apprenticeship program which will help our industry safeguard the generations of institutional knowledge we rely on for the development of our future technicians, engineers and managers. Alongside apprenticeship, we’re continuing the focus […]

Chairman’s Message by Walter Teeter

We’re only three months away from the 2018 IIAR conference, and your staff at headquarters is working hard to wrap up annual conference programming for an event that promises to be one of the most exciting IIAR meetings yet. We’re back at the always popular Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO next March (18 – […]

IIAR Launches Apprenticeship Program

BY MINDY LONG pprenticeship programs help businesses develop highlyskilled employees, reduce turnover, increase productivity and cut the cost of recruitment. They can also help employers attract new employees. To realize these benefits, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, in partnership with other organizations, has created an apprenticeship program for refrigeration mechanics/ technicians that can help […]

Cold Chain Plays a Crucial Role in Emergency Preparedness

isaster takes many forms – just this year, various sections of the U.S. have experienced catastrophic hurricanes, wildfires and flooding, all of which can knock out – sometimes for a long time – utilities that are essential to maintaining business. Earthquakes, tornados and blizzards are other major threats. For food manufacturers, wholesalers and supermarkets and […]

The Future of Natural Refrigeration Begins Here

he future of industrial refrigeration begins at the 2018 Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo. This annual event will take place March 18-21 at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO. Showcasing the latest equipment, products, services and technologies available in natural refrigeration, this tradeshow provides attendees the opportunity to meet with over 1900 industry professionals, […]

Ammonia Holds Promise for Supermarkets

atural refrigerants have the potential to provide supermarkets with methods to address environmental and regulatory changes, take advantage of long-term efficiency savings and reduce energy costs. Educating grocers about the benefits of the technology could contribute to increased demand. There are new opportunities within the industry as stores look for alternative ways to power refrigeration. […]

Observations on the Chemical Safety Board report on the Millard Accident

The analysis and recommendations expressed here have been developed by the IIAR Safety Committee working with IIAR staff INTRODUCTION n August of 2010, an accident occurred at the Millard Refrigerated Serviced facility in Theodore, Alabama. Subsequent to the accident, the United States Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) investigated the accident and later issued […]

Whole Foods Tests Battery Storage to Reduce Energy Demands

n average, grocery stores use about three times more energy per square foot than average retail spaces, with much of the use going to refrigeration. To help cut energy costs, future-proof against volatile energy markets and increase resiliency, Whole Foods Market is testing a Refrigeration Battery at a store in Los Altos, California. “Thermal storage […]

You think you know what you’re doing?

I visit a lot of refrigerated facilities and I’ve found many of them well prepared for an ammonia incident. The refrigeration operators are trained and knowledgeable in the operation of their systems. Many companies also have others trained to assist in various duties if there is an emergency of any kind. The majority of these […]

Foundation Readies for IIAR Conference

In its continuing effort to support the military and introduce skilled workers to the ammonia refrigeration industry, the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration are inviting transitioning military personnel, National Guard and reservists stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado to attend IIAR’s annual conference March 18-21 at the Broadmoor Hotel & Resort […]

Ammonia and Bad Oil Don’t Mix

il and ammonia mix continuously in refrigeration compressors. The primary function of the oil is to lubricate and cool the compressor, but a small amount of oil is always circulating with the refrigerant that leaves the compressor. This oil comes in contact with all components of the refrigeration system, a fact that must be considered […]

The Inheritance Talk

The IIAR and ARF reserve investment funds are currently managed by Stifel Financial Services under the investment policy established by their respective board of directors. In this and subsequent issues of the Condenser, you’ll find a “financial tech tips” article from the firm on this page. Members of IIAR may use the financial services of […]

Proper Training Around Repair Procedures is Essential

 recent fatal accident, as well as reviews of previous problems, emphasized the critical importance of proper training, experience and clear-cut procedures when conducting repairs of ammonia refrigeration systems, leading industry observers said. Often repairs must be done in time-critical situations, and technicians must resist pressures to take short cuts, they said. In October, three men […]

CFATS Program Change Simplifies Top-Screen

ecent adjustments to the Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program have simplified the process of completing a risk-assessment, known as a Top-Screen, and could result in changes to how an ammonia refrigeration facility is categorized under the program’s tiering system. DHS, in conjunction with IIAR, recently held a webinar that focused […]

Tax Reform Takes Center Stage

Tax reform has emerged as the top priority in Washington, DC as President Trump and Congressional Republicans set the goal for passing legislation before the end of 2017. Republican leaders are feeling pressure to secure a signature legislative victory following the failure to repeal and replace Obamacare. As a result, the House of Representatives and […]

Assessment of Lubricants for Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems

GLENN D. SHORT, PRESIDENT, BVADVANCED DIVISION; TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, BVA INC ABSTRACT Ammonia (R717) and carbon dioxide (R744) have received increased recognition as non-ozone- depleting and low global warming potential refrigerants. In some cases, both of these refrigerants are used in a cascade system. Some properties of refrigerant-lubricant mixtures are very important for the design and […]

Chairman’s Message by Mark Stencel

When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty years at sea, I merely say, uneventful. Of course there have been winter gales, and storms and fog and the like. But in all my experience, I have never been in any accident…or any sort worth speaking about. I have seen […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about change. Whether it’s the regulations phasing out HFC’s and the new decisions faced by many in the commercial and industrial world, or the innovations and new technology that are enabling those decisions – one thing is certain, we are moving rapidly into a new era of refrigeration. […]

GREEN Dialing

GROCERS EYE NATURALS AS PHASEOUT CONTINUES growing number of supermarkets are moving to replace hydrofluorocarbons with climate-friendly alternatives, such as propane, ammonia and carbon dioxide, ahead of the planned phase out of R-22 in the United States, but grocers are moving forward cautiously. “Some supermarket chains have been very progressive, choosing natural refrigerants for all […]

IIAR Heavy Equipment Show

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration’s 39th annual conference will provide four days of technical knowledge, networking and industry-sponsored events for those involved in the ammonia and natural refrigeration industry. The conference begins on Sunday, February 26, and concludes Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The Sunday Education Program will focus on the application of “Recognized and […]


BY KEM RUSSELL Are you “aware” in all, or at least most of the aspects of your LESSON life? Awareness implies that you have knowledge of something by maintaining a level of alertness in observing or in interpreting what you see, hear, feel, etc. Some people are very aware, but most of us limit our […]

Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation Celebrates 10th Anniversary

he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation marked its tenth anniversary on October 24, 2016. This past year gives us much to celebrate with several accomplishments that will keep the Foundation moving in a positive direction. Important achievements include several moves that put the Foundation on sound financial footing and advanced the Foundation’s program in several ways. Of […]

Policy Changes Pave Way for HFC Reductions

The use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) has recently been at the center of policy deliberations in the United States and globally. Many HFCs used in refrigeration have high global warming potential (GWP) and have become the target for reductions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the over 170 countries that are parties to the Montreal […]

Maintaining the Contractor, End User Relationship

uilding and maintaining a strong relationship between the contractor and the end user of an ammonia refrigeration facility is one of the most valuable things both parties can do for project success. Communication, organization and a detailed understanding of what each side offers are essential ingredients for a smooth and beneficial partnership. Contractors outlined and […]

Six Things ETY to Remember

nstallation of an ammonia detection system is an essential element in preserving the safety of employees and products at any cold storage or processing facility, along with that of residents within close proximity. Ammonia leaks must be spotted quickly and efficiently, which means that sensors must be properly installed and maintained, and possess an adequate […]