Copeland Announces DOE Grant Award

Copeland announced that it has received a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant to support a $2.5 million project to research and develop innovative heat pump technology for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The company said the grant will fund the research and development for a modular, plug-and-play, load-flexible heat pump technology with low-cost thermal energy storage for space conditioning and water heating.

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IIAR Releases Second Edition of Guidelines on Manual Hand Valves

The IIAR Compliance Committee has updated the Guideline for Developing an Energy Control Plan for Manual Hand Valves and released a second edition. “After a guideline has been out and used in the industry, members and users will ask questions and provide input for consideration to make the guideline even clearer to use or capture additional information that enhances its value as a practice,” said Tony Lundell, senior director of standards and safety for IIAR. “An addendum typically will have minimal changes which could include simple edits, and/or provide statements that can add value to the guideline.”

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Natural Refrigerants Continue to Grow in Retail

Adoption of natural technologies in new and existing retail space is increasing as companies work to increase sustainability while meeting consumer, employer and shareholder expectations. “Many retailers, especially national chains, are prepared to make very large investments to significantly reduce their carbon footprint by converting to naturals in existing stores,” said Danielle Wright, executive director of the North American Sustainable Refrigeration Council.

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Managing Your Energy Costs: It Can Be Done!

All too often, energy management projects with good potential will fail for any number of reasons. Most of these failures will be a result of the project not addressing key requirements for success, or not meeting the expectations of all users throughout the organization. This report is intended to provide a 10,000-foot view on taking a holistic approach to energy management and reduce the risk of project failure.

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CARB Moves Forward on Low-GWP Requirements for California Ice Rinks

At the December meeting of the California Air Resources Board, the board voted to approve the proposed regulation on hydrofluorocarbons that established a 150 GWP limit for new ice rinks and other types of large refrigeration systems in locations such as cold storage warehousing.

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Energy Performance Benchmarking: Considering the Efficiency of an Ammonia Refrigeration Installation

The number of countries ratifying the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is steadily growing.

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The Industry at Rest: How SEC Benchmarking will Create New Momentum in the Refrigeration Sector for Mixed-Use Refrigerated Warehousing.

Newton’s first law in part states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. And this is where we are at the moment. Our industry, specifically in the mixed-use refrigerated warehouse sector is at rest. Or differently expressed, at a standstill when it comes to ongoing improvements, new ideas, and implementation of new technology that has the potential to make systems and plants more energy-efficient and creates ongoing savings for our clients.

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Hawaii and Energy Efficiency

Mark Twain once wrote that Hawaii was “The loveliest fleet of islands that lie anchored in any ocean.” I first visited Hawaii just a few years after the world had experienced its second “energy crisis”. In 1979 the Iranian Revolution had disrupted the world’s oil supply and overnight the price of oil doubled to $39.50 per barrel.

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IIAR Unveils New Energy and Sustainability Committee

Amid a high level of interest from members, IIAR’s newly established Energy and Sustainability Committee will have its inaugural meeting at this year’s annual conference in Orlando. At last year’s IIAR Annual Conference, after much discussion and deliberation, the IIAR chairman appointed a task force to investigate the needs of the industry’s enduser community with regards to energy and sustainability in their facilities, said Bruce Nelson, speaking on behalf of the committee.

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