RSES and RETA Merger Moves Forward

The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) will be merging with the Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association (RETA) to help build awareness of industrial refrigeration careers and increase the number of technicians entering the industrial space. “We believe we will be better together moving forward,” said Jim Barron, executive director of RETA.

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The refrigeration industry has been facing a shortage of skilled workers for years, and the problem continues to grow, creating significant challenges, disrupting essential operations, and limiting growth. “At a high level, the workforce shortage creates a bottleneck that threatens the industry’s ability to meet regulatory timelines,” said Danielle Wright, executive director of the North American Sustainable Refrigeration Council.

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President’s Message by Gary Schrift

The months after IIAR’s annual conference are always think about the next membership year ahead. While there’s always a lot going on in these last few days of summer, it’s nice to pause for a moment and reflect on what it means to be an IIAR member and what new plans we have for the future.

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President’s Message by Gary Schrift

Our Annual Conference in Long Beach was a great success, and now that the flurry of committee meetings, networking events, and technical discussions have ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year.

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Industrial Refrigeration Faces Significant Cybersecurity Risks

The use of technology in the industrial refrigeration industry continues to increase, and automation and internet control of facilities are becoming commonplace. The benefits of automation and control are massive, but there is also a downside. The systems can be vulnerable to attack, making cybersecurity measures essential to protect against cyber threats.

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IIAR Remembers Members for Their Service and Contributions

IIAR’s success hinges on the involvement of its members, and the association would like to pay tribute to several members who have passed away. These members generously shared their time and expertise with IIAR and the industry, and they will be missed.

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Benefit of Ammonia Heat Pump Implementation in the Industry and for District Heating

Over the last 15 years the market for high-temperature ammonia heat pumps has been growing in Europe and now it is also taking off in North America. That period in Europe has yielded many lessons as higher pressure and temperature present new challenges in refrigerant design. This paper explains where heat pump installation differs from refrigeration installation through three case studies of installations in Europe.

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Technical Papers Provide In-Depth Thought Leadership at the IIAR Conference

During the annual IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition, industry experts will come together to present technical papers at the IIAR Technical Program. This year’s papers will address several key categories, including carbon dioxide, security, and safety.

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IIAR Task Force Keeps Members Up to Date on the AIM Act

The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act (AIM) Act is expected to increase the long-term use of natural refrigerants and bring significant new opportunities to the natural refrigerant industry. To ensure those in the industry are aware of the changes and opportunities the AIM Act will bring, IIAR has formed the AIM Act Task Force, which is being led by Miguel Garrido, executive president, Günter U.S.

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Technical Papers Provide In-Depth Thought Leadership at the IIAR Conference

During the annual IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition, industry experts will come together to present technical papers at the IIAR Technical Program. This year, the session will feature a dozen papers covering a broad range of topics.

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IIAR’s Global Reach Promotes Standards, Safety and Education Worldwide

As a global organization with members across the world, IIAR gives members the opportunity to learn from those with different experiences and points of view as well as improve the overall safety of the industrial refrigeration industry.

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IIAR Forms AIM Act Task Force

The American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency will restrict refrigerants’ allowable global warming potential throughout the United States and it is expected to increase the long-term use of natural refrigerants. IIAR has formed the AIM Task Force to help learn more about the AIM Act’s requirements and how the association and its members can support the act.

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IIAR’s Foundation Focuses on its Three Pillars, Prepares to Change Name

The foundation focuses on three pillars—research, educational training, and educational scholarships—and has had a successful year supporting each of these areas. During IIAR’s annual meeting and expo, Dave Schaefer, chairman of the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, provided an update on the foundation’s accomplishments.

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Foundation Scholarships Help Students Gain New Insights into the Natural Refrigeration Industry

The Natural Refrigeration Foundation, which supports research and education programs benefiting the industrial refrigeration industry, awarded its largest scholarship commitment to date. The scholarship program provides a unique opportunity for students to learn about a technical field, attend IIAR’s national conference, be financially rewarded and contribute to the future of the planet.

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Learning About Learning

 Many times we don’t think about how we learn, which is something we are or should be doing most of our lives. This fact was brought home to me this past winter as I became involved as an instructor in a winter sport I like. As I was learning to be an instructor and understanding how people might learn I could see a correlation between what and how someone is teaching and how people learn.

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Automatic Oil Return Systems: Why, When, and How? By Monika Witt, TH. Witt

Safe oil draining is a subject that is well documented in IIAR publications, and workshops dealing with proper oil draining are always well-attended. Removing oil from an ammonia refrigeration system is routine maintenance that nearly every ammonia refrigeration system operator will encounter sooner or later. One major advantage of ammonia systems is that oils are not normally soluble with ammonia and will therefore collect at the lowest spot in the system. However, accumulation of oil is gradual, and the location for accumulation must be suitable, i.e., calm enough, such that oil gets a chance to settle.

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IIAR Releases Second Edition of Guidelines on Manual Hand Valves

The IIAR Compliance Committee has updated the Guideline for Developing an Energy Control Plan for Manual Hand Valves and released a second edition. “After a guideline has been out and used in the industry, members and users will ask questions and provide input for consideration to make the guideline even clearer to use or capture additional information that enhances its value as a practice,” said Tony Lundell, senior director of standards and safety for IIAR. “An addendum typically will have minimal changes which could include simple edits, and/or provide statements that can add value to the guideline.”

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Always Learning

The following are some examples of being willing to learn versus not being willing to try to learn.

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IIAR Latin America Seminar Turns Out Record Attendees

The recent IIAR Seminar for Latin America in Guadalajara, Mexico, August 24- 26, brought together nearly 400 manufacturers, contractors, and end users from 12 countries for a unique opportunity to meet, learn and do business. Attendees took part in 14 technical paper presentations, five technomercials, networking events, and a heavy equipment exhibition. The event is the only one of its kind in the world outside the U.S. and is the most attended event in Latin America.

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Emergency Series Part 2: Emergency Shutdown and Response

This article has been updated from a previous version to distinguish the differences between a nuisance leak response and a HAZMAT response. Emergency response or responding to emergencies means a response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders (i.e., mutual aid groups, local fire departments, etc.) to an occurrence which results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance.

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Participating in IIAR conferences, webinars, committees, and sub-committees has certainly increased my knowledge and my access to information. I have listened to and worked with very knowledgeable people from many backgrounds. Even after being involved in the ammonia refrigeration industry, and specifically IIAR for many decades, I am still learning. This reminds me of a famous statement I read in a book by Donald Rumsfeld, who served as George W. Bush’s secretary of defense.

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IIAR Brings Synchronous Learning Opportunities to Industrial Refrigeration

COVID-19 has changed the way learning takes place across the globe with virtual opportunities and distance learning taking off as social distancing and travel restrictions have kept people out of classrooms. IIAR is among those groups that pivoted to provide valuable learning opportunities to those within the refrigeration industry. In March, IIAR partnered with Don Fenton, a professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at Kansas State University, to bring the 54th offering of the Industrial Refrigeration Workshop to participants through online synchronous learning, which allowed participants to interact with instructors in real-time.

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Industry Joins Together to Provide Valuable Training to OSHA Inspectors

Occupational Safety and Health Administration compliance officers are continuing to benefit from ammonia refrigeration education presented by the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium. The training, which is funded by IIAR, the Global Cold Chain Alliance, IRC, and OSHA, first launched in the fall of 2014.

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IIAR’s Annual Conference to Feature a Deep Dive on the Ammonia Piping Handbook

During the 2021 Natural Refrigeration Conference and Expo, IIAR will offer a four-hour training on the IIAR Refrigeration Piping Handbook. “It will examine all the parts of the handbook and provide an overview of the content,” said Eileen McKeown, vice president for marketing and sales for IIAR. The educational session, Ammonia Piping Handbook Education Program: Exploring an Essential Tool for Designers, Contractors, and Operators, will take place on Thursday, June 24 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time.

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Scholarships Provide Multiple Learning Opportunities for Recipients

The Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, which supports research and education programs benefiting the industrial refrigeration industry, is currently accepting applications for IIAR’s Founders Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to collegiate juniors exhibiting exceptional character and interest in pursuing an engineering or related technical degree leading to a career in the refrigeration field.

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The Case for Hazard and Operability Methodology

There is a vigorous debate within the industrial refrigeration industry surrounding whether or not the use of hazard and operability methodology, referred to as HAZOP, should be considered the industry standard for hazard reviews and process hazard analyses. While there are advocates for and against employing HAZOP methodology, Stephanie Smith, senior engineer II with Risk Management Professionals Inc., said her research and experience show that the benefits generally outweigh the costs.

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A Great way to Learn

The following incident had many lessons learned for both the facility and the outside responders. Think about what would happen, or what actions would be taken if this happened at your facility.

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The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration’s history is rooted in standards, and the association has released its latest update to IIAR-2, which was first released in 1974, and its first-ever safety standard for carbon dioxide IIAR CO2.

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IIAR Releases Critical Task Guideline

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) has recently published the first edition of a new guideline titled “Critical Task Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration System Emergency Planning.”

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Improving PHAs With Sample-Safeguards Checklists

For many ammoniarefrigeration systems, a what-if/checklist processhazard analysis (PHA), with brainstorming about unique situations enhanced by a comprehensive safeguards checklist, provides a robust method for identifying hazards, analyzing risks, and developing any needed recommendations.

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Ready? Really Ready?

Having a well-thoughtout and functional emergency plan can be challenging. I have seen some very good emergency plans, but I have also noticed that several plans are not as complete as they could be. This seems to be a tough lesson to learn, and you may have experienced this. Let me start with an example of a conversation similar to what I have heard many times, and then give some considerations for improving an emergency plan.

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IIAR Membership Advances Industry with Committee Work

The past year was a productive one for IIAR’s numerous committees. From in-depth technical research to international outreach, IIAR’s membership has been busy advancing the industry. Here’s a detailed catalog of each committee’s activities, and what they hope to address in the next year and beyond.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

It’s that time of year again, and I’m happy to welcome all IIAR members back to our most important event – the IIAR annual conference and exhibition. Before I get into the exciting things we’ve got in store for you as an organization this year, I’d like to take a minute to recognize all our sponsors and exhibitors. It is their support that provides the backbone for this annual event, sponsoring food and coffee breaks, not to mention our exhibit hall – and everything else that makes this one of the premier events in our industry.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This month you’ll be hearing from IIAR about one of our most important annual activities, our membership renewal drive. As an IIAR member, we all depend on you to take that essential first step to participate in the activism and advocacy of our industry, by

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Business as usual is a term that has never applied well to industrial refrigeration. Our economic sector is constantly changing to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving supply chain, as we examine in this month’s cover story. Regulatory change, new technology and equipment development has propelled us into ever broader markets and applications for natural refrigerants.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about operations. As you can see from our cover, one of the most important factors in that equation is geographical location. The regional and local operating environments define the business and regulatory landscape across the country. And that definition, in turn, determines how we uphold our high standards for safety and efficiency. The role that the regulatory framework plays in our industry, and even more importantly, how we respond to and inform it, is a central focus for IIAR.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Now that we’ve all returned from San Antonio, it’s a new member year, and your staff is digging in to accomplish many of the new goals set out for 2017. First among them is planning the next successful conference. We’re looking forward to returning to the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, and I hope to see you all there. Now is the time to take advantage of IIAR’s early membership renewal opportunities and get involved in the work of your committees.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

It’s the beginning of the summer and that means it’s time for one of IIAR’s most important activities – leading membership renewals. And while this may seem like a routine activity we all work hard to complete every year, I’d like to take the opportunity in my column this month to point out that, as an IIAR member, this is one of the most important contributions you can make to the success of our industry.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

In this issue of the Condenser, we’re looking at the exit strategies that end users and manufacturers alike are using – to move away from hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons. As former IIAR chairman Bob Port mentions in our cover story “There is a lot of internal pressure to get out of [HFC’s and HCFC’s] from a sustainability standpoint, but it has to come at a reasonable cost and be a good business decision.”

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about education and training. As you can see from our cover, IIAR is unveiling a new apprenticeship program which will help our industry safeguard the generations of institutional knowledge we rely on for the development of our future technicians, engineers and managers.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser is all about change. Whether it’s the regulations phasing out HFC’s and the new decisions faced by many in the commercial and industrial world, or the innovations and new technology that are enabling those decisions – one thing is certain, we are moving rapidly into a new era of refrigeration.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

In this issue, we’re presenting news on one exciting new activity in our industry and our organization – to build and deliver IIAR’s first education program. IIAR is working harder than ever to deliver on its promise to membership: to broaden the reach of our member base by addressing major issues that are occurring in our industry to promote the ongoing growth and health of industrial refrigeration.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

There’s a lot going on at IIAR headquarters these days. We’re growing and expanding with new initiatives, programs and goals for the new membership year. That growth just reflects the expansion of our industry in general.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

The 2015 – 2016 membership year has been an exciting time for our industry. As regulations and technologies evolve at a rapid pace, we’re seeing new opportunities and applications for refrigeration grow like never before.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

As you’ve likely noticed, this issue of the Condenser is all about the re-release of IIAR-2, the first comprehensive code standard for the safe, reliable and efficient design of ammonia refrigeration systems. We’re dedicating so much space to IIAR-2 because it is perhaps one of the most important, long reaching projects our association has completed in recent years.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

In this issue, we’re presenting news on many exciting activities in our industry and our organization. IIAR is working harder than ever to deliver on its promise to membership: to promote the ongoing growth and health of industrial refrigeration.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: change. New technologies are opening the door to new types of customers and applications for ammonia and other natural refrigerants.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

This issue of the Condenser marks the end of the last member year, and the beginning of a new one. It also marks our annual conference, where we come together from all corners of our industry to talk about the trends and technology shaping our business – at IIAR’s Annual Industrial Refrigeration Conference and Exhibition.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

One of IIAR’s most important responsibilities is advocating on behalf of our members on state and federal policy. I’m happy to report that in 2014 we stepped up our efforts even more in this realm and we’ve been working closely with government regulatory agencies to provide them with our expertise in a number of different ways.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. I couldn’t be more excited about where IIAR – and the industry as a whole – are heading.

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President’s Mesage by Dave Rule

There’s a lot going on these days, both in our industry and at IIAR’s headquarters. Regulatory issues have seen an increased focus for our organization while new technologies like low charge systems continue to grow in importance.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

The beginning of the year has been a busy time at IIAR headquarters as we prepare for our Heavy Equipment show in Nashville. As usual, we’re looking forward to showcasing the best our industry has to offer.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

The second half of the year is always a challenging and busy time for the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, and so far, 2013 has followed that precedent. As we wrap up this year’s work on behalf of the industry, the IIAR leadership is pleased to report on several successful initiatives in many different areas.

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