Author: developer

Learning About Learning

Kem Russell, P.E Many times we don’t think about how we learn, which is something we are or should be doing most of our lives. This fact was brought home to me this past winter as I became involved as an instructor in a winter sport I like. As I was learning to be an […]

Presidents Message by Gary Schrift

It’s that time of year again: after the conference and before we dive into the travel and rushed schedules of a new membership season. While there’s always a lot going on, these last few days of summer are a great time to reflect on what it means to be an IIAR member and what new […]

Chairman’s Message by Trevor Hegg

I’m always impressed by the incredible progress IIAR makes on our industry’s goals every day and every week. It may be more exciting to write or hear about the big news – an updated standard, or a new member service – but just as important are the little things. Those things we don’t see but […]

Costa Rica Moves on Mandatory IIAR Standards

Ammonia Refrigeration Education Key To Adoption ll IIAR standards, including the Carbon Dioxide standard, ANSI/IIAR CO2, have been adopted within Costa Rica on a voluntary basis as National Norms, and the country is moving forward with its plans to make the standards mandatory. The next step is to prepare and educate industry professionals in the […]

What happened to the IIAR Bulletins?

BY TONY LUNDELL, CIRO, PMP, IIAR SENIOR DIRECTOR OF STANDARDS AND SAFETY What happened to the IIAR Bulletins? Short Answer: The IIAR Bulletins were all “Superseded!” Let’s discuss the history of the onset of IIAR Bulletins and how their material was eventually distributed and captured to become superseded. First, let’s step back and discuss how […]

Automatic Oil Return Systems: Why, When, and How? By Monika Witt, TH. Witt

afe oil draining is a subject that is well documented in IIAR publications, and workshops dealing with proper oil draining are always well-attended. Removing oil from an ammonia refrigeration system is routine maintenance that nearly every ammonia refrigeration system operator will encounter sooner or later. One major advantage of ammonia systems is that oils are […]

IIAR Releases Second Edition of Guidelines on Manual Hand Valves

he IIAR Compliance Committee has updated the Guideline for Developing an Energy Control Plan for Manual Hand Valves and released a second edition. “After a guideline has been out and used in the industry, members and users will ask questions and provide input for consideration to make the guideline even clearer to use or capture […]

Natural Refrigerants Continue to Grow in Retail

doption of natural technologies in new and existing retail space is increasing as companies work to increase sustainability while meeting consumer, employer and shareholder expectations. “Many retailers, especially national chains, are prepared to make very large investments to significantly reduce their carbon footprint by converting to naturals in existing stores,” said Danielle Wright, executive director […]

Circuit Court Supports Tampa Electric’s Response to a Release

he Eleventh Circuit has rejected an appeal from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the case against Tampa Electric Co. and its response to an ammonia release at a power generating facility in 2017. The court of appeals upheld the finding that the release was controlled and the clauses pertaining to emergency response were […]

Bonds, Interest Rates, and the Impact of Inflation

here are two fundamental ways that you can profit from owning bonds: from the interest that bonds pay, and from any increase in the bond’s price. Many people who invest in bonds because they want a steady stream of income are surprised to learn that bond prices can fluctuate, just as they do with any […]

Climate Change Policy in the Spotlight By Lowell Randel, IIAR Government Relations Director

President Biden has made addressing climate change a signature priority for his administration. Since his election, climate change policies have been at the forefront of agency actions, Congressional deliberations, and, most recently, before the Supreme Court. One of Biden’s early actions was for the United States to rejoin the Paris Agreement. He then created the […]

Always Learning

Kem Russell, P.E The following are some examples of being willing to learn versus not being willing to try to learn. EXAMPLE 1: At a large (+2000 TR) low-temperature ammonia facility the processing of the product occurred over a short period, so it was extremely important that the system operated very well. The low-side of […]

Managing Your Energy Costs: It Can Be Done!

James Majsak, Construction Manager Crossnokaye (Santa Barbara, Ca) ABSTRACT ll too often, energy management projects with good potential will fail for any number of reasons. Most of these failures will be a result of the project not addressing key requirements for success, or not meeting the expectations of all users throughout the organization. This report […]

President’s Message by Gary Schrift

This month I’m dedicating my column space to one of our organization’s most important ongoing activities, our membership. As an IIAR member, we all depend on you to take that essential first step to participate in the activism and advocacy of our industry, by keeping your membership current. If you are not yet a member, […]

Chairman’s Message

It seems like we were all just in Savannah, and now we’re looking at starting another membership year. That means we’re wrapping up preparations now for the next IIAR annual conference, in Long Beach, Calif., March 12- 15, and I’m approaching the last annual meeting during my term as Chairman. In each membership year, the […]


IAR is moving closer to completing its first standard for hydrocarbons—such as propane and butane—in refrigeration systems and is hoping to release the standard for public review in early 2023. “It is a complex process to develop a safety standard for multiple applications of a refrigerant of this level,” said Charles Hon, manager, engineering, sustainability, […]

IIAR Releases Updates to IIAR-1 and IIAR-3 Standards

IAR reviews and updates existing standards every five years for periodic maintenance and has recently released updates on IIAR 1 and IIAR 3. The periodic maintenance reviews and updates meet the “Procedures for the Development of IIAR Standards for ANSI Approval” and ANSI’s Essential Requirements. IIAR 1-2022 ANSI/IIAR 1 provides a unified set of definitions […]

IIAR Latin America Seminar Turns Out Record Attendees

he recent IIAR Seminar for Latin America in Guadalajara, Mexico, August 24- 26, brought together nearly 400 manufacturers, contractors, and end users from 12 countries for a unique opportunity to meet, learn and do business. Attendees took part in 14 technical paper presentations, five technomercials, networking events, and a heavy equipment exhibition. The event is […]

Refrigerant Leaks in Commercial Mechanical Equipment Rooms

BY MARK HEUCHERT, MARKETING MANAGER, DRAEGER, INC. INTRODUCTION ndustrial and commercial refrigeration systems use different types of heat transfer fluids (HTF), many of which are toxic and/or bad for the environment when they leak. The most common HTF refrigerants are Ammonia and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), however while ammonia has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 0, […]

EPA’s Proposed Amendments to RMP Burdensome on Industry

he Environmental Protection Agency has proposed amendments to its Risk Management Program regulations, which include several changes to the accident prevention program requirements, enhancements to the emergency preparedness requirements, and increased public availability of chemical hazard information. “This is part of the back and forth of what the Obama Administration did, and the Trump Administration […]

IIAR Comments on Risk Management Programs

The Honorable Michael S. Regan Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460-0001 Re: Comments for Docket Number: Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OLEM-2022-0174 Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act; Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention Dear Administrator Regan, he undersigned organizations submit these comments regarding Docket […]

OSHA Considering Revisions to Process Safety Management Regulation

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has recently taken steps to advance the rulemaking process to update the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation. The OSHA effort is taking place in parallel to EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) rulemaking, raising concerns about coordination and consistency between the two regulatory schemes. The underlying rulemaking was […]

Concerned About Timing the Market?

uy low. Sell high.” While this age-old investment advice may seem simple, it can be extremely precarious due to its emphasis on market timing. During a bull market, investors following this advice may be reluctant to invest and too eager to sell. During a bear market, investors may be reluctant to sell and too eager […]

Its’ HOT!

KEM RUSSELL, P.E Sometimes it may be difficult to understand but we all have free agency to believe what we want. Some people believe the earth is flat. Some believe we never landed on the moon. I suppose there are people who believe those amazing photos from various robotic machines on Mars are fake too. […]

Don’t Curse the Purger

DON TRAGETHON CIRO, CRST, RAI | REGULATORY LIAISON, WESTERN PRECOOLING ABSTRACT he goal of operators, contractors, and design engineers is to operate a closed loop refrigeration system as close to design intent as possible. The owner wants maximum value from the equipment and personnel employed at the facility. The presence of gases that do not […]

President’s Message by Gary Schrift

In this February 2021 Edition of our Condenser Magazine, you will read about progress made with the California Air Resources Board, completion of the ice arena for the upcoming 2022 Olympics, an overview of research projects, and ANSI standards development…..all initiatives conducted by IIAR volunteers, members, and the organization as a whole towards furthering our […]

Chairman’s Message Dave Schaefer

It is with great regret that we have to cancel the face-to-face 2021 IIAR conference in Palm Springs, CA. However, we look forward to an exciting second virtual conference that will be as informative and widely watched as the fantastic first-ever 2020 All-Natural Refrigerant Virtual Conference. Instead of dwelling on what could have been with […]

The Covid Cold Chain

How the pandemic has changed the future efore COVID-19, the cold chain wasn’t on most people’s radar, but shifting consumer demands, concern over food supply and specific healthcare needs during a pandemic put it in the spotlight. “It changed last spring when we started to see disruptions and challenges in the early days of the […]

2022 Winter Olympics Embrace Natural Refrigerants, Set the Stage for the Future

or the first time, transcritical CO2 refrigeration will be used to make ice at a Winter Olympics, which will be hosted by Beijing in 2022, with the International Olympic Committee deciding to use CO2 refrigeration system for the most iconic venues for the Beijing Olympics. The decision, which the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee announced as […]

The ANSI-Approval Process: A Step-By-Step Guide

ell-developed standards are critical. They can empower and strengthen users with regard to marketplace position and even the global economy. They also ensure the safety of consumers and that the environment is protected. “Knowing what is required by standardization saves both time and money,” said Tony Lundell, senior director of standards and safety for IIAR. […]

IIAR Improves Safety and Operations with Ongoing Research and Standards

s the world’s leading advocate for the safe, reliable and efficient use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants, research is a critical component of IIAR’s work. IIAR’s ongoing research projects lead to improved safety and more efficient operations while also shaping industry standards. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS The IIAR Research Committee currently has three active research […]

Colmac Coil Manufacturing Announces Leadership Change

Colmac Coil Manufacturing has announced that Joe Fazzari, P.E., has been promoted to the position of President, Colmac Coil Manufacturing, effective January 1st, 2021. Fazzari succeeds immediate former President Bruce Nelson, P.E. who has transitioned to a new role as Director of Innovation of Colmac Coil Manufacturing. Fazzari will have the oversight of all operations […]

CARB Moves Forward on Low-GWP Requirements for California Ice Rinks

t the December meeting of the California Air Resources Board, the board voted to approve the proposed regulation on hydrofluorocarbons that established a 150 GWP limit for new ice rinks and other types of large refrigeration systems in locations such as cold storage warehousing. Based on the vote, the proposed regulation will be finalized mostly […]

Emergency Series Part 2: Emergency Shutdown and Response

Jen Allen, Allen Safety LLC This article has been updated from a previous version to distinguish the differences between a nuisance leak response and a HAZMAT response. Emergency response or responding to emergencies means a response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders (i.e., mutual aid groups, local […]


By Kem Russell Participating in IIAR conferences, webinars, committees, and sub-committees has certainly increased my knowledge and my access to information. I have listened to and worked with very knowledgeable people from many backgrounds. Even after being involved in the ammonia refrigeration industry, and specifically IIAR for many decades, I am still learning. This reminds […]

Choosing Between Traditional and Roth IRA’s

ach year, individuals with earned income may decide to put $6,000 ($7,000 if age 50 or older) into an IRA to save for retirement. The decision to contribute to a traditional IRA versus a Roth IRA has several key considerations, such as eligibility, tax-deductibility, and current versus future tax rate. The below chart outlines some […]

Biden Administration Takes Early Action on Regulatory Policy and Climate Change

By Lowell Randel, IIAR Government Relations Director Joe Biden began his presidency on January 20th by signing a series of Executive Orders impacting a wide range of policy issues. In just the first 10 days of his Administration, Biden took 42 individual executive actions, many of which reversed policies instituted by former President Trump. Regulatory […]

Pressure Relief Design Considerations From a PSM Compliance Standpoint (Part One)

Bill Lape, SCS Engineers ressure relief design documentation is often the most misunderstood portion of the Process Safety Information required under 29 CFR 1910.119(d) (3)(i)(D) and 40 CFR Part 68.65(d)(1) (iv). The two regulations state that the relief system design AND design basis shall be included in the process safety information pertaining to the equipment […]

President’s Message by Gary Schrift

Buckling our seatbelts, filling our own gas tanks, sending an email, and burning propane or natural gas in our homes for heating was once unthinkable. These technologies replaced dad’s arm across your chest during a fast stop, the serviceman pumping gas and checking your oil level, typewriters and the mail service, and coal or wood-burning […]

Chairman’s Message By Eric Johnston

Conference time is here again and although it’s hard to think we’ll spend one more year meeting online rather than in person, there’s a lot to look forward to. For the executive committee and your staff at headquarters, that means everyone is working hard to make sure our recent initiatives – from the renewed focus […]

Pressure Relief Design Considerations From a PSM Compliance Standpoint (Part Two)

Bill Lape, SCS Engineers n the first article of this series, some of the factors that affect the relief capacity of a relief system that are often overlooked were highlighted to raise awareness of what is needed to properly document the safety relief design. In this article, we will discuss some of the pitfalls associated […]

EPA Takes Aim at the Future Proposed rulemaking Jumpstarts HFC phasedown

he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been given statutory authority to move forward with phasing down hydrofluorocarbons as part of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act (AIM), which is expected to increase the long-term use of natural refrigerants. The agency has taken rapid action, and on May 3, it released its first proposed rulemaking under […]

IIAR Brings Synchronous Learning Opportunities to Industrial Refrigeration

OVID-19 has changed the way learning takes place across the globe with virtual opportunities and distance learning taking off as social distancing and travel restrictions have kept people out of classrooms. IIAR is among those groups that pivoted to provide valuable learning opportunities to those within the refrigeration industry. In March, IIAR partnered with Don […]

IIAR Annual Conference Continues with Virtual Platform

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2021 annual Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo will continue with its virtual format, providing four days of technical knowledge, networking, and industrysponsored events for those involved in the natural refrigeration industry. The event first went virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This year, with the cancellation of […]

Industry Joins Together to Provide Valuable Training to OSHA Inspectors

ccupational Safety and Health Administration compliance officers are continuing to benefit from ammonia refrigeration education presented by the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium. The training, which is funded by IIAR, the Global Cold Chain Alliance, IRC, and OSHA, first launched in the fall of 2014. “As we all continue to advocate for expanded use of ammonia and […]

IIAR’s Annual Conference to Feature a Deep Dive on the Ammonia Piping Handbook

uring the 2021 Natural Refrigeration Conference and Expo, IIAR will offer a four-hour training on the IIAR Refrigeration Piping Handbook. “It will examine all the parts of the handbook and provide an overview of the content,” said Eileen McKeown, vice president for marketing and sales for IIAR. The educational session, Ammonia Piping Handbook Education Program: […]

IIAR Annual Conference Continues with Virtual Platform

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2021 annual Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo will continue with its virtual format, providing four days of technical knowledge, networking, and industry sponsored events for those involved in the natural refrigeration industry. The event first went virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This year, with the cancellation […]

Technical Papers and Workshops at a Glance

RAGAGEP: Historical Variants and the Importance of IIAR Standards ecognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) are written documents intended for use in the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of process equipment. There has been a move in the ammonia refrigeration industry towards standardization, yet there are historical variants which often cause confusion. This […]

Rising Rates: Strategies for Managing Bond Risks

ederal Reserve monetary policies can affect the entire fixed-income market, and the prospect of rising interest rates is a major concern for bond investors. Regardless of the rate environment, however, bonds are a mainstay of investors who want to generate income or dampen the effects of stock market volatility on their portfolios. Now that the […]

OSHA Ramps Up COVID Enforcement By Lowell Randel, IIAR Government Relations Director

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a high priority for the Biden Administration. Despite increases in vaccinations and lower cases in many parts of the country, President Biden is calling on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ramp up its enforcement efforts to regulate workplaces. Biden was critical of OSHA during […]

Different Views on Regulations in Europe and the USA

By Monika Witt, Managing Director Of Th. Witt GMBH, Germany, Eurammon Board Member In my February 2019 article, I examined the need for sprinkler systems in machinery rooms in the USA and their prohibition in Europe. Afterward, I was contacted by Jeff Shapiro who indicated that Anders Lindborg, an honorary life member of IIAR and […]

Scholarships Provide Multiple Learning Opportunities for Recipients

he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, which supports research and education programs benefiting the industrial refrigeration industry, is currently accepting applications for IIAR’s Founders Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to collegiate juniors exhibiting exceptional character and interest in pursuing an engineering or related technical degree leading to a career in the refrigeration field. Awards provide $4,000 […]

IIAR Standards: A Look Back

ob Czarnecki can’t remember exactly when he started as chairman of IIAR’s Standards Committee, but he thinks it was 10 to 12 years ago. “The former chair had some medical issues, and I was filling in for him. So, I’m blurred as to when I started,” Czarnecki said. “When I first started, the mandate was […]

President’s Message by Gary Schrift

After a summer of new pandemic news, normalcy has never felt so close and yet so far away at the same time. By the time of this column’s publication, your IIAR staff will be busy finalizing a return to in-person IIAR conferences in 2022. We can all look forward now to seeing familiar faces in […]

Chairman’s Message by Eric Johnston

We’re laying the groundwork for 2022’s return to an in-person annual conference and setting new agendas these days. And even though I’m well into my term as your IIAR Chairman, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone – new and renewing members alike. IIAR is embarking on several ambitious goals this year as […]

Reporting Release Rates: How to find the middle ground

stimating the amount of ammonia lost due to an accidental release can be a complex process and when they do occur, end-users want to avoid underpredicting or over-predicting release quantities. Presently, there is not a single reference guideline that provides details for calculating ammonia quantities released as a consequence of incidents. The IIAR Government Affairs […]

International Fire Code to Defer to IIAR for Ammonia Issues

fter years of work, it is more than likely that all code bodies will now refer to IIAR for ammonia refrigeration requirements by 2024. IIAR has made significant progress towards this goal over the past 20 years, but there was one outlier—the International Fire Code. However, the IFC’s technical committee has approved a proposal for […]

Ammonia System Evacuation — How Low Do You Go?

Eric M. Smith, P.E., Vice President and Technical Director, International Institute Of Ammonia Refrigeration emoval of non-condensables and excess water is essential when starting up new refrigeration systems or large retrofits. Non-condensables contribute to higher than necessary head pressure, and excessive water in a system can cause inefficiency and operational problems. In all refrigeration systems, […]

IIAR Hosts Successful 50th Annual Meeting

IAR 2021 Natural Refrigeration Online Conference & Virtual Expo brought technical education, industrial trend insights, and information on products and services to natural refrigeration professionals in June. This was the second time IIAR presented its annual meeting online as COVID-19 continued to create potential disruptions and planning challenges. While the industry is eager to meet […]

IIAR Petitions EPA for Increased Hydrofluorocarbon Restrictions

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration and its industry partners have petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to use its authority under the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons within the refrigeration sector. The AIM Act is a new climate law passed in December 2020. The rule proposes an allowance allocation […]

Is the Era of Ammonia Liquid Overfeed Ending?

Stefan Jensen n four years, it will be the centenary of the liquid overfeed patent issued to YORK Corporation. The liquid overfeed plant came into widespread use around the middle of the last century. This coincided with an upsurge in the consumption of frozen foods that led to the construction of very large freezing plants […]

Revocable Living Trust

SUMMARY: A revocable living trust can be a useful and practical estate planning tool for certain individuals, but not for everyone. This type of trust is most commonly used to avoid probate because, unlike property that passes by will, trust assets are distributed directly to heirs. This type of trust is also used as a […]

The Case for Hazard and Operability Methodology

here is a vigorous debate within the industrial refrigeration industry surrounding whether or not the use of hazard and operability methodology, referred to as HAZOP, should be considered the industry standard for hazard reviews and process hazard analyses. While there are advocates for and against employing HAZOP methodology, Stephanie Smith, senior engineer II with Risk […]

From Dry to Hybrid: A 360 Degree View of Cooling Technologies

ooling technologies affect price and cooling capacity, and there are a variety of fundamentally different dry cooling technologies available for cooling water/glycol mixtures. The decision for or against one of these technologies during the planning stage of a project has an impact not only directly on the investment sum but also on the subsequent operating […]

A Great way to Learn

Kem Russell The following incident had many lessons learned for both the facility and the outside responders. Think about what would happen, or what actions would be taken if this happened at your facility. Roy was backing up his forklift near the cherry processing line. And for whatever reason Roy didn’t stop till the forklift […]

Identifying and Quantifying Fugitive Emissions from Industrial Refrigeration Systems

Marc Claas, Research Engineer; Douglas Reindl, PhD, PE, Director; Todd Jekel, PhD, PE, Assistant Director; John Davis, PE, Associate Researcher; Jacob Grayless, Research Intern; University of Wisconsin-Madison Industrial Refrigeration Consortium (IRC) ABSTRACT  ndustrial ammonia refrigeration systems vary widely in their engineering design, size, scope, and technology features. However, they universally experience some level of refrigerant […]

President’s Message by Gary Schrift

In this issue of the Condenser, we’re looking at how IIAR’s mission continues to shape the world of refrigeration, even as that world is constantly shifting. From our standards writing efforts to new training program development, the task of influencing and even guiding regulatory activity so that it keeps pace with new technology and an […]

Chairman’s Message

It’s amazing how quickly a year(or two) can go by. Our 2022 annual conference, March 6-9 in Savannah, Georgia, is on the horizon already, and while that means we’re approaching the last annual meeting during my term as Chairman, this year’s conference represents something much more important – a return to in-person conferences and the […]


he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration’s history is rooted in standards, and the association has released its latest update to IIAR-2, which was first released in 1974, and its first-ever safety standard for carbon dioxide IIAR CO2. “The benefit of a standard is to bring consistency to safe systems,” said Trevor Hegg, vice president, product […]

IIAR-2 Updates Address Detection, Ventilation and More

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration has released the latest version of IIAR-2, which covers the design of safe closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems. IIAR-2 was first released in 1974 and received its last major update in 2015. “Any change is important for various reasons. The real reason is that sometimes it is a matter of […]

EPA Grants IIAR’s Petition for Increased Hydrofluorocarbon Restrictions

he Environmental Protection Agency has granted a petition from the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration and its industry partners to use the agency’s authority under the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons within the refrigeration sector. “This is a significant opportunity for IIAR to take a leadership role and it […]

CO2 Standard Provides Guidance on Growing Segment of the Industry

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration has released its safety standard for CO2 closed-circuit systems. The standard covers all phases of the CO2 system lifecycle, from design, installation, and start-up to inspection, testing, and maintenance. It encompasses the CO2 portion of a cascade system, systems using CO2 as a secondary fluid, systems operating part- or […]

IIAR Releases Critical Task Guideline

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) has recently published the first edition of a new guideline titled “Critical Task Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration System Emergency Planning.” The “Critical Task Guidance” was designed to assist employers, government regulators, and public safety emergency responders who prepare emergency procedures to address ammonia incidents. The document was developed […]

As HFCs are Phased-Down, Disincentives for Ammonia Must be Avoided

With the passage and ongoing implementation of the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act at the federal level, some states are also taking actions to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). As policymakers move away from HFCs, it is also important that ammonia policies be kept in an appropriate balance, to avoid unintended consequences of policies that […]

Improving PHAs With Sample-Safeguards Checklists

JAMES HADLEY, P.E. This article represents the opinions of the author only. It does not necessarily reflect any official position of IIAR and is presented here for the consideration of the reader. Questions or comments about the article can be sent to IIAR and may be forwarded to the author at IIAR’s discretion. or many […]

Bitcoin: Fad or The Future?

f someone told you about an investment that has made some people millionaires overnight and has both several high-profile supporters and a global reach, would you be tempted to invest? If you were then told that the same investment also could lose most or all of its value almost overnight, and you might not have […]

Ready? Really Ready?

KEM RUSSELL, P.E Having a well-thoughtout and functional emergency plan can be challenging. I have seen some very good emergency plans, but I have also noticed that several plans are not as complete as they could be. This seems to be a tough lesson to learn, and you may have experienced this. Let me start […]

IIAR Participates in Coalition Amicus Brief to the Court Regarding Release Investigations

ERIC SMITH, P.E., VICE PRESIDENT AND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, IIAR LOWELL RANDEL, DIRECTOR OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS, IIAR he Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) is appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit a recent decision by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (“OSHRC”), and an administrative law judge that favored the […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

Looking at the rich and exciting program for our association’s 2020 annual conference in Orlando, I see an extraordinary palette of achievements by IIAR members over the past several years. While this will be my last conference as IIAR president, I am proud of our members’ accomplishments, which form a strong foundation for further growth […]

Hawaii and Energy Efficiency

Mark Twain once wrote that Hawaii was “The loveliest fleet of islands that lie anchored in any ocean.” I first visited Hawaii just a few years after the world had experienced its second “energy crisis”. In 1979 the Iranian Revolution had disrupted the world’s oil supply and overnight the price of oil doubled to $39.50 per […]


ne of the most interesting and important programs at the IIAR annual conference in Orlando is the presentation of technical papers. At this year’s conference, industry experts from both the industrial and commercial sides of the business will present technical papers at the IIAR Technical Program. The session will feature 17 papers covering a broad […]

India Eyes IIAR Standards, Other International Efforts See Success

hile much of the efforts of IIAR’s International Committee in the past few years have been focused on Latin America, the committee recently began activities to develop contacts and influence in India Several countries will be represented at this year’s IIAR conference, including Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia, Spain, Australia, […]

IIAR Says Goodbye to Longterm President Dave Rule

This summer IIAR will say goodbye to David L. Rule as President of IIAR. A strong organization begins with strong leadership< and Dave has been a great influencer of change and growth. He will be missed. “Through Dave’s leadership and forward thinking, he has been able to guide IIAR to a completely new level that […]

IIAR Membership Advances Industry with Committee Work

he past year was a productive one for IIAR’s numerous committees. From in-depth technical research to international outreach, IIAR’s membership has been busy advancing the industry. Here’s a detailed catalog of each committee’s activities, and what they hope to address in the next year and beyond. CO2: Just before the IIAR conference last year, IIAR’s […]

Welcome to the 2020 IIAR Natural Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition!

t is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the 2020 IIAR Natural Refrigeration Conference and EXPO here in Orlando. Your IIAR Staff and Executive Committee have worked very hard to provide you with the largest technical program ever offered at an IIAR conference along< with many opportunities to network with all of your […]

IIAR Unveils New Energy and Sustainability Committee

mid a high level of interest from members, IIAR’s newly established Energy and Sustainability Committee will have its inaugural meeting at this year’s annual conference in Orlando. At last year’s IIAR Annual Conference, after much discussion and deliberation, the IIAR chairman appointed a task force to investigate the needs of the industry’s enduser community with […]

Foundation Founders Scholarship Program Sees Continued Growth

ince its introduction in 2016, the Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation’s Founders Scholarship has helped connect talented young people to the world of natural refrigerants by awarding students who exhibit exceptional character, academic prowess and a healthy interest in pursuing an engineering or related technical degree with financial and professional assistance. “The scholarship program is one of […]

What? I didn’t know that

BY KEM RUSSELL I recently read an article about a man that spent a considerLESSON able amount of time tromping through the wilderness back in the early 1900s. In his journa he made a statement that I found interesting. He wrote, “I don’t know where I am, but it doesn’t matter.” I am concerned when […]

CSB Establishes New Chemical Incident Reporting Rule

On February 5, 2020, the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) released its Final Rule on accidental chemical release reporting. The rule creates a new reporting requirement for facilities that experience a chemical release. The enabling legislation that established the CSB included a requirement that the agency develop a reporting mechanism to help identify […]

Is an Ammonia Refrigeration Evaporative Condenser a PermitRequired Confined Space (PRCS)?

BRYAN HAYWOOD his article will explore the questions so many have regarding their evaporative condensers and OSHA’s PermitRequired Confined Space standard(s) (29 CFR 1910.146 and 29 CFR 1926.1201 – .1213). We will look at the two most common models/designs: Forced Draft (fans are vertical and on the bottom section) Induced Draft (fans are horizontal and […]

Country Boy Moves to Washington DC

Imagine the headline: “After a thirty-two-year career in industrial refrigeration, man returns to industrial refrigeration, starting his new position on April Fool’s day, while working at home during a once in a lifetime pandemic with a major event canceled, which has, in turn, cut the organization’s revenue stream by almost 50%” . . . No, […]

Nothing is More Constant Than Change

To me, our conference has been almost like a large family reunion. It was with a heavy heart that the conference had to< be canceled by the Executive committee. The final factor in the decision to cancel was when the World Health Organization declared that there was a worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19. There is […]

HFC Phase Out Continues Amid Uncertainty Over Regulations

efrigeration industry end users are continuing to phase out ozone-depleting and high-global-warming-potential refrigerants to comply with regulatory requirements and proactively address environmental needs, but a lack of concrete direction from the federal government has resulted in uncertainty as well as a patchwork of state-by-state efforts. efforts. “There is no consistent approach or timeframe for retailers […]

IIAR’s Virtual Conference to Deliver Technical Papers, Workshops and Panels

ith COVID-19 limiting travel and causing people to stay home, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration transitioned its popular< in-person annual conference, originally scheduled for March in Orlando, to a virtual conference that will provide online learning, beginning May 18. “The topics, workshops and technical papers we would have presented in March are still relevant […]

IIAR’s Virtual Conference Sunday Session Will Focus on Secondary Coolants

mong the sessions set for the IIAR’s Virtual Conference is a special educational session covering the use of< secondary coolants for industrial ammonia refrigeration systems. Originally intended to be the Sunday Education The session will focus on the application and design of secondary coolant systems. As end users seek alternatives to replace their HFC-based systems […]

IIAR Energy Efficiency Committee Focuses on Sustainability

espite the cancellation of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 2020 national conference, IIAR’s newest committee, the Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability Committee, is moving forward with its mission. The panel’s inaugural meeting was to have been at the Orlando conference. The new committee’s role is to take a broad look at exactly how efficient current […]

Foundation Celebrates Successful Fundraising Year

he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation’s 2019 fundraising program was< extremely successful, raising more than one million dollars, according to Joe Mandato, ARF’s Trustee Chair who spearheaded the effort, which specifically focused on trustee-level pledges of $50,000 or more. “This was The funds were generated by the renewed pledges of several trustees, including one in particular for […]