Chairman’s Message

We are officially three months away from the 2016 IIAR conference, and while most people are busy getting ready for the holidays, the IIAR team is also hard at work adding the final touches to our annual conference programming.

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President’s Message by Dave Rule

As you’ve likely noticed, this issue of the Condenser is all about the re-release of IIAR-2, the first comprehensive code standard for the safe, reliable and efficient design of ammonia refrigeration systems. We’re dedicating so much space to IIAR-2 because it is perhaps one of the most important, long reaching projects our association has completed in recent years.

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With the completion of IIAR-2, the most comprehensive standard for the safe design of closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration has written a single authoritative source document that provides a path forward for the ammonia refrigeration industry.

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EPA, International Community Moves Forward with HFC/ HCFC Phase Out

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is continuing its phase-out of certain hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons in favor of safer, more climate-friendly alternatives, which is expected to create new opportunities for the natural refrigerants industry. So far, the EPA has focused on commercial applications, although a rule on industrial applications may emerge eventually

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OSHA Urges Employers to Verify Authenticity of Inspectors

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration recently warned employers of a situation in which an imposter posed as an OSHA inspector and requested unaccompanied access to a workplace. The agency asked company officials to utilize due diligence anytime they interact with someone claiming to be an OSHA official.

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IIAR-2 Committee Recognized for FourYear Publication Effort

Updating the IIAR-2 standard was a massive four-year effort, during which IIAR’s volunteer committee – working to achieve consensus – took a “divide and conquer” approach to handle the approximately 1,500 comments and more than 1,000 off-the-record suggestions, said standards committee vice chairman Don Faust.

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IIAR-2: Addressing the Machinery Room

The recent release of IIAR-2 provides an updated standard that clarifies previously cloudy codes and regulations and provides new information that enables facilities to meet the highest safety standards. Specifically where safe machinery room operation is concerned, the standard is critically important to the future of the ammonia refrigeration industry.

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Hands-On Facilities Improve Ammonia Refrigeration Training

The ideal training for ammonia systems should include classroom training coupled with a hands-on component in which operators and technicians can combine book learning with practical application, according to some industry training specialists.

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Re-Learning the Most Important Lessons

Most facility op erators believe that they and - LESSON their employees know what needs to be done in an ammonia release situation. But knowing what needs to be done is very different than knowing you will be able to do what needs to be done when the stress of an event makes reaction time and clear thinking crucial.

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Planning for Piping

Advances in technology have produced ammonia refrigeration piping systems capable of withstanding dramatic climate changes, leading many in the industry to locate as much of their facilities’ equipment as possible on the roof, which is a safer alternative in the event of an accident than the traditional location inside the building.

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EPA Proposes Rule to Strengthen Refrigerant Management Requirements

On November 9, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking entitled “Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Update to the Refrigerant Management Requirements under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act.”

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A Preview of Upcoming Model Codes

Codes march on… Difficult as it may seem to believe, the 2018 editions of some model codes are already well on their way to completion. The 2018 International Mechanical Code is already completed, pending final ratification of recommended changes by members of the International Code Council.

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Pressure Vessel Replacement Considerations

When it’s time to replace a pressure vessel on a closedcircuit ammonia refrigeration system, considerations such as facility design, installation, operation, and maintenance can help operators determine what to purchase.

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Eliminating Vapor Drive

Energy represents the second greatest cost in industrial ammonia refrigeration, and a compromised vapor barrier is a significant contributor to energy losses.

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This paper presents an overview of the reasons for charge reduction in air conditioning and refrigeration systems and discusses strategies for charge reduction: in compressors (oil), vessels, pipes, and heat exchangers. The focus is on heat exchangers, microchannel in particular. In addition to a trivial reduction of internal volume as a strategy for charge reduction, the effect of mass flux on void fraction and needed manipulation of circuiting is presented. A framework and example of comparison between refrigerants based on their potential for low condenser charge is provided.

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