OSHA Urges Employers to Verify Authenticity of Inspectors

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration recently warned employers of a situation in which an imposter posed as an OSHA inspector and requested unaccompanied access to a workplace. The agency asked company officials to utilize due diligence anytime they interact with someone claiming to be an OSHA official.

The warning came after an incident in September when a man visited three construction sites in the Houston area claiming to be an OSHA safety inspector, said R. Casey Perkins, area director in Austin for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

After arriving at a site, the man presented a simple business card and said he had the right to walk the job site unaccompanied by anybody. Perkins said both of those actions are red flags.

OSHA inspectors do have the right to enter a workplace and inspect without delay, but the employer and an employee representative are welcome and are encouraged to accompany the inspector on a walkthrough, Perkins said.

OSHA representatives also carry credentials that include a badge, photo, name and title along with a Department of Labor embossed seal on it. Inspectors should also have a business card that lists contacts for the OHSA area office. If a situation seems out of line, the employer should check with the agency’s area office.