CO2 Day Schedule

With the ever increasing awareness of the benefits Natural Refrigerants have for the environment there has been a renewed emphasis in the use of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a refrigerant for the Industrial Refrigeration Industry. Naturally occurring refrigerants like Ammonia (NH3) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are by definition environmentally neutral. Unlike CFC and HCFC halocarbon refrigerants, natural refrigerants have zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and have zero or extremely low Global Warming Potential (GWP). Because of its low environmental impact and operational efficiency, CO2 is coming into wide use in both industrial and commercial refrigeration systems worldwide. The need for more guidance and information on the subject of CO2 in Industrial Refrigeration has never been greater.

This year at the 2013 Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition in Colorado Springs, CO, IIAR will offer a half day CO2 Training Program. This Program will focus on the industrial use of CO2 cascade systems with Ammonia as well as trans-critical systems using only CO2 and will incorporate a comprehensive range of practical, experience-based information from some of the best minds in our industry.

Brian Marriott – CO2 Program Moderator


Hernan Hidalgo – Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration A/S

Charles Kulp – United States Cold Storage, LLC

Andy B. Pearson, Phd – Star Refrigeration Ltd.

Ronald C. Worley – Nestle USA Corporate Engineering

Program Outlines

  • A brief recount of the history of CO2 utilization in Industrial Refrigeration and introduction of the speakers 
  • Practical safety, design and operating considerations for CO2/ammonia cascade and tans-critical systems gleaned from extensive contracting experience applying these technologies in industrial refrigerating systems 
  • Lessons learned through the startup, commissioning and operation of CO2/ammonia cascade refrigeration in a large green field food production and low temperature freezing facility
  • Brief coffee break
  • Design optimization of CO2/ammonia cascade technology in the public refrigerated warehouse industry sector through extensive experience and data gained from the design, construction and operation of this technology in several installations
  • Design considerations and the practical application of transcritical CO2 refrigeration in commercial and small industrial installations including an overview of currently operating systems in various global regions
  • Question and answer forum with the program speakers
  • Program closing comments and provision of PDH/CEU code.

For a registration fee of only $300 you will receive a newly updated IIAR Carbon Dioxide Handbook (a $350 member value all by itself) as well as 4 hours of supplemental experience-based education with copies of the annotated program presentations to take home with you. This program is assigned four PDH/CEU units and validation forms will be included in the attendance package.