Author: developer

IIAR Chapters Installation Project: Good News from the International Committee

BY ADOLFO BLASQUEZ PE, IIAR INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIR ecause we are always looking to make the information that we produce available to a greater number of end users for the benefit of our industry, the International Committee, following the direct request of our IIAR Chairman, Marcos Braz, has initiated the IIAR Chapters Implementation Project worldwide. […]

Satisfying EAP and ERP Requirements

very owner of an industrial ammonia refrigeration plant with more than 500 pounds of ammonia in the United States is required by government regulations to have an action and, or, response plan in place should an emergency event occur. But determining if those plans satisfy OSHA requirements regarding medical treatment and rescue during an ammonia […]

Non-Condensable Gases in an Ammonia Refrigeration System

Although it could take many years for non-condensable gases to accumulate in an ammonia closed-circuit mechanical refrigeration system – enough to cause abnormal operations to be evident – that buildup will almost certainly occur if it isn’t managed. Non-condensable gases are foul gases and should not be thought of like water contamination, because they are […]


By Robert Sterling, President, Sterling Andrews Engineering, PLLC Editor’s Note The current methodology for valve sizing has been accepted in the industrial refrigeration industry for years. This paper will review past efforts undertaken in the literature and standards to determine suitable methods for quantifying the compressible flow pressure drop in valves and attempts to compare […]

Chairman’s Message

he New Year is almost here, and for many of us, that means we’re wrapping up projects and getting ready for 2015. At IIAR headquarters, your staff team is hard at work adding the final touches to the annual conference programming and conducting general planning activities for the year ahead. In fact, one of the […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

One of IIAR’s most important responsibilities is advocating on behalf of our members on state and federal policy. I’m happy to report that in 2014 we stepped up our efforts even more in this realm and we’ve been working closely with government regulatory agencies to provide them with our expertise in a number of different […]

IIAR Leads Coalition in Response to RMP Request for Information

In July 24, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency published a Request for Information (RFI) regarding the agency’s Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations. The RFI was generated as a part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to implement Executive Order 13650 – Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security. The Executive Order came in response to the 2013 […]

Avoiding Complacency

KEM RUSSELL In most cases, experience is something we build upon. It allows us to take advantage of the things we’ve learned, and hopefully, remember those lessons when they matter most. But sometimes, no matter how important the lesson, it can get overlooked. In visits to several ammonia refrigeration facilities and ongoing talks with managers […]

Guntner Brazil Implements ARM for Climatic Test Chamber

he Ammonia Refrigeration Management Program, built by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration to help small facilities develop a sound safety plan focused on prevention, now has a global reach. Last month, ARM was implemented at Guntner Brazil’s ammonia test facility in South America, site of the only climatic test chamber of this size in […]

Managing Infiltration

he buildup of frost and ice in a freezer at an industrial refrigeration facility is a sure-fire way to drain dollars from the bottom line. When the psychrometric properties of freezer air mass and infiltration air are not properly managed, energy costs can increase substantially. “I’ve seen so much ice build-up [in some cases] that […]

ARF News

he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation, the research arm of the ammonia refrigeration industry, reported that it raised $400,000 in donations in 2014, bringing its endowment to more than $2 million. “This is significant because it puts us at 60 percent of reaching our goal of $3.5 million by 2017. But there is still a long way […]

IIAR, Industry Partners Respond to Regulatory Information Requests

ast year’s fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, drew the attention of regulatory agencies to nearly every corner of the chemical industry Following that incident, President Obama issued an Executive Order directing each agency to audit and make changes to the programs that govern the chemical industry. These requests could eventually result in new regulations […]

Eurammon Forum Highlights the Status of Natural Refrigerants

CHRIS COMBS, IIAR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS DIRECTOR he Natural Refrigerants Forum organized by Eurammon on Wednesday, October 15 at the Chillventa fair in Nuremburg, Germany provided an intriguing survey of the factors, both positive and negative, influencing the use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants around the world. Besides IIAR president Dave Rule’s presentation on the […]

Measuring Pipe Wall Thickness

he issue of when, and how, to measure wall thickness on a pipe has become a hot topic in recent months. Clearly, it’s important to maintain the mechanical integrity of refrigeration systems in order to avoid ammonia leaks. But there is debate in the industry over when pipes that display no visible damage should be […]

Water Contamination in an Ammonia Refrigeration System Leads to Higher Costs

In many closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems, water contamination can occur over a period of time and the effects of that contamination can easily go unnoticed. One thing water contamination can do is cause an aqueous ammonia solution to be formed, which then replaces anhydrous ammonia refrigerant. This problem can become continuous if it isn’t resolved, […]


Editor’s Note he process of selecting air cooling evaporators to operate in a CO2 refrigeration system is very similar to selecting evaporators for ammonia. Evaporator manufacturers typically require the same input data for both refrigerants and likewise display performance and selection data in the same way. In this technical paper, author Bruce Nelson outlines the […]

Chairman’s Message

The end of summer is here, and that means it’s time to refocus our attention on important projects and get ready for the whirlwind of activity coming our way this fall. For IIAR staff, committee, and volunteer members, that means building on the substantial work completed this summer on a variety of different initiatives. You’ll […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. I couldn’t be more excited about where IIAR – and the industry as a whole – are heading. Over the past few months, IIAR, and the ammonia refrigeration industry, have experienced several signs of promise and growth. From new research projects that promise […]

SRV Calc

USING WEIBULL ANALYSIS TO PREDICT VALVE REPLACEMENT he five-year replacement interval for relief valves isn’t a practice that gets much scrutiny. It’s spelled out in IIAR Bulletin 110, and a provision establishing the need for a common interval appears in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, making it a generally accepted “no-brainer” for much of […]

IIAR Research Committee Completes Quantitative Risk Analysis Project

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration recently completed a research study using quantitative risk analysis, or QRA, to evaluate the effectiveness of five methods for mitigating an ammonia release during an overpressure event. Under the direction of the IIAR’s board of directors, the intent of the study, called “Using Quantitative Risk Analysis to Evaluate Various […]

Presidential Working Group Recommends Policy Changes Impacting Chemical Facilities

In response to the tragic accident last year in West, Texas, President Obama issued Executive Order (EO) 13650, Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security. The EO is intended to enhance the safety and security of chemical facilities and reduce risks associated with hazardous chemicals to facility workers and operators, communities, and responders. The Executive Order […]

Avoiding That “Oh No” Moment

KEM RUSSELL Having well thought out and properly used operating procedures is important, but having good plans and people in place in case something goes wrong can make a world of difference. Think back to your own past. Have you ever been doing something and all of a sudden you get this cold queasy feeling […]

Performing Mechanical Integrity Inspections of Air Coolers

BY JOE FAZZARI, P.E. wners should perform periodic mechanical integrity inspections on air coolers to ensure the continued reliability of the unit and to minimize the risk of an accidental ammonia release. This article lists some of the more common issues to look for when performing mechanical integrity inspections of a typical air cooler. 1. […]


he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration held its ninth Industrial Refrigeration Seminar in Latin America in Chile last month, an event that marked the organization’s increasing involvement in education and safety advocacy in the region. IIAR leaders said the seminar attracted a record number of attendees from ten different Latin American countries, reflecting a growing […]

2015 IIAR Conference to Feature Navy SEAL Keynote

MARK STENCEL, IIAR CONFERENCE CHAIR s we move into the fall season, thoughts of IIAR’s annual conference in March seem almost premature but the IIAR staff is already putting the final touches on preparations for our 2015 conference in San Diego, and there are many exciting new features to announce. To begin, the facility hosting […]

Small Leaks Lead to Big Costs

hen it comes to energy efficiency, the dollars are in the details. And those details can be easily overlooked, especially when multiple small system leaks start to add up in a large facility. System leaks of any kind can represent small efficiency gaps that can place a big drain on efficiency. An individual leak might […]

DHS Looks to Increased Collaboration with Ammonia Refrigeration Industry

hanges could be coming to the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, or CFATS, program run by the Department of Homeland Security, which could mean the agency will issue revised regulations and seek increased collaboration within the ammonia refrigeration industry. In response to President Obama’s executive order requesting improved safety and security at chemical facilities, the DHS […]

IIAR Takes on Optimum Pipe Sizing Research Project

 new research project, recently implemented by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, will revisit the economic sizing methodology the industry uses to determine optimum pipe sizing. The project, expected to be completed in the next year, will provide a computer tool that will allow end users to determine optimum pipe sizing based on input data […]

Chile´s Ammonia Sector: Leading the Way on Regulation and Certifi cation in Latin America

CHRIS COMBS, IIAR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS DIRECTOR n November 2012, this column discussed developments in Chile´s Ammonia Refrigeration sector including the publicprivate initiative to create a Best Practices Manual for the local Ammonia Refrigeration Industry and the potential for cooperation between IIAR and the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Since then, a number of […]

Testing High Pressure Cutouts

he issue of how to test high pressure cutouts in a refrigeration system can be a contentious one. And although there is no simple solution, there are many guidelines that offer direction. The Mechanical Code requires that every system have a cutout, but ASHRAE 15, considered the industry standard, forbids a shutoff valve between the […]

Thermosyphon Oil Coolers

hermosyphon oil coolers for compressors have been designed in several ways. It has been a common design for the oil to be circulated through the “shell side” of a shell and tube heat exchanger, while ammonia is circulated through the tube side. These oil coolers are typically ASME pressure vessels and bear an ASME stamp. […]

IIAR Remembers

IIAR Remembers Donal Ballou onal Ballou was enthusiastic about everything he did in life, whether as a founding member and chairman of the IIAR, or with the company he created, Refrigeration Systems Corp. “When he became involved in something he was very passionate about it. That was part of his personality,” said Bob Appleton, who […]


By Jekel, T. B., Claas, M., and Reindl, D. T., Industrial Refrigeration Consortium, University of Wisconsin-Madison Editor’s Note The SRVcalc project is a twophase research initiative to develop a method and tool for determining whether relief valve replacement intervals can be extended or shortened depending on the conditions in which they are installed. The first […]

Chairman’s Message

ow that the IIAR conference, with its committee meetings, networking events and technical discussions has ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year. As your new chairman, my first priority this year is to welcome […]

President’s Mesage by Dave Rule

There’s a lot going on these days, both in our industry and at IIAR’s headquarters. Regulatory issues have seen an increased focus for our organization while new technologies like low charge systems continue to grow in importance. As your president, it has been my honor to lead your staff and work with our dedicated Board […]

IAR Shatters Attendance Records, Sets New Goals at Conference

he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration hit record attendance numbers, signed agreements with ASHRAE and RETA and drew participation from the Department of Homeland Security at its Conference & Heavy Equipment Show, an event that marked a variety of transitions and new initiatives for the association this year. The three days of networking at industry […]

Place Your Bets

THE HFC PHASEOUT AND THE FUTURE OF NATURAL REFRIGERANTS efrigeration technologies like synthetic replacements for HFCs, low charge ammonia and CO2 -based systems are growing like never before ahead of a planned phaseout of R-22 in the United States. And although most players in the industrial refrigeration industry have been taking a hard look at […]

IIAR Builds Coalition to Comment on Proposed PSM Changes

The Obama Administration continues its work under the Executive Order entitled: Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security that was signed in August 2013. One of the key issues for IIAR is a Request for Information, RFI, issued by OSHA addressing potential changes to Process Safety Management, PSM, regulations. In response to the RFI, IIAR established […]

Learning a Valuable Lesson About Experience

BY KEM RUSSELL We can all learn some valuable lessons from other people’s challenging experiences, and those lessons are even more important when they help others prevent future accidents. Astronaut Mike Mullane, who spoke at the March 2014 IIAR Conference, had a lot to say about learning safety lessons from experience. In his presentation, Mike […]

Look to Set Points to Boost Efficiency

n a large facility, it goes without saying that increasing overall efficiency will save large amounts of money every year in operating cost. But that savings is often dependant on implementing, and following up on, several best practices in myriad different places throughout a system. When margins are tight, there are many ways to increase […]

Brazil Event Highlights New Technologies

BY CHRIS COMBS  group of Brazilian associations including ASHRAE’s Brazil Chapter, ABRAVA, ASBRAV and ANPRAC held a seminar on industrial and commercial refrigeration in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, April 2-3. The program focused on three main areas the organizers wanted to highlight for Brazil’s refrigeration sector: safety in refrigeration installations and the corresponding […]

Developing Guidelines for Smaller Facilities

he ammonia refrigeration industry continues to experience an increase in enforcement activities that utilize OSHA’s General Duty Clause, specifically in facilities with less than 10,000 pounds of ammonia, where OSHA expects process safety-like standards to be in place. While larger facilities – those that use less than 10,000 pounds of ammonia – have long been […]


DR. ROBERT LAMB, GROUP SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR OF STAR REFRIGERATION LTD. Editor’s Note As the industrial refrigeration industry in the U.S. looks to the question of long-term viability of HFCs, many are turning to the lessons learned by the industry in Europe, where the R22 phase-out process is nearing completion. Europe has set out […]

IIAR CO2 Committee Releases Handbook

ne of the primary missions of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is to offer constructive tools and education that will assist members. In July, IIAR’s CO2 Committee embarked on the comprehensive task of revising the CO2 handbook that debuted four years ago. The new edition is scheduled to be released at IIAR’s annual conference. […]

Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

he IIAR 2014 Conference and Heavy Equipment Show in Nashville is just around the corner, and that means my term as Chairman is almost over. Although the past year has flown by, we’ve reached many of our biggest objectives, and we expect to continue< building on that success in 2014. Our primary focus entering the […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

The beginning of the year has been a busy time at IIAR headquarters as we prepare for our Heavy Equipment show in Nashville. As usual, we’re looking forward to showcasing the best our industry has to offer. Our technical program will highlight some of the most important equipment and efficiency trends, and our exhibit hall […]

IIAR Technical Program Highlights Industry Issues

he idea formed in Ron Worley’s mind six years ago when he began auditing ammonia refrigeration systems at Nestlé, where he was a manager of refrigeration engineering before his retirement. As he collected data, he discovered there was not a standardized tool to determine if there was adequate ventilation in the machinery room or if […]

Astronauts Brave Spacewalk to Fix Ammonia Control Valve

he words ammonia and astronaut have been linked recently by more than their proximity in the encyclopedia. Last December, astronauts aboard the International Space Station embarked on a pair of dangerous spacewalks to replace a failed ammonia pump module outside the orbital laboratory. It was the second time in three years that spacewalks were required […]

NH3 Around the WORLD

mmonia refrigeration is emerging as a dominant market in many important world economies as governments move to re-energize the Montreal protocol to phase-down greenhouse gasses. At the same time, cold chains are growing in areas of the world that are becoming the newest builders, users and designers of industrial refrigeration, underscoring the need for widely […]

ARF 2-Phase Flow Project Looks at Piping Configuration

hat difference does the design of vertical piping arrangements have on two-phase ammonia flow? Can pressure drop in the suction riser be minimized or stabilized, leading to a significant decrease in power consumption at the compressor? Researchers hope to answer these questions and more with a project being conducted by the Ammonia Research Foundation, or […]

Final Changes to the 2015 International Codes

he 2015 editions of the International codes, including the International Mechanical Code (IMC) and the International Fire Code (IFC), have been completed and will be published later this year. A number of changes to these codes are of interest to IIAR members. However, it’s also important to mention several proposed changes that would have negatively […]

Know Your Incident Timelines

BY KEM RUSSELL Like a good science fiction plot, any ammonia-related incident has two parallel timelines. Making sure you’re aware of both of them, even before anything happens, can make the difference between public relations and operational horror story, and a good outcome. Take one incident where the lack of awareness by facility staff led […]

Don’t Forget the Paperwork

t seems relatively simple: If the emergency contact for your facility changes, you must submit a corrected Risk Management Plan to the EPA within one month if your facility is covered by EPA’s Risk Management Program Rule (40 CFR Part 68). Yet facilities often neglect to do this, many because they’re unaware it’s necessary, according […]

Building Efficiency Beyond the Machinery Room

uilding an energy-efficient machinery room can make a big difference in energy savings. But how much of a difference is largely dependent on what takes place outside of the room, where influences throughout the facility play a significant role in energy usage. By paying attention to details, maintaining regular communication between the machinery room and […]

Brazil Faces Challenges, Opportunities, with HCFC Phase Out

razil will host the 2016 Olympics and the World Cup this year, two high-profile events that will draw the attention of the rest of the world. And within our industry, several factors are making the country worth watching as it takes an increasingly central role in the international growth of natural refrigerants. Size is one […]

IAR Responds to Media Coverage

wo days after publishing a news story which many in the industrial refrigeration industry felt overstated the potential hazards of ammonia to the public, Pennsylvania-based newspaper, the Times Tribune, ran a follow-up news story presenting the industry in a more positive light. Dave Rule, president of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, said in an […]

From the Technical Director

hen the tragedy involving the explosions of ammonium nitrate occurred at the West, Texas, fertilizer facility last year, much of the national conversation turned to how industries can work to better protect workers and the public at large. The loss of life and property was unfathomable to many, and public outcry has demanded a response. […]

Government Relations Committee Focuses Attention on Regulatory Issues

IAR Committees serve as a valuable forum for the open discussion of the critical issues facing the industry. IIAR’s government relations committee is one of the organization’s newest committees, focused on IIAR’s mission of advocacy. The purpose of the committee is to provide IIAR members with a strong understanding of how federal regulations affect the […]

Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

ne of the most important functions of the IIAR Board of Directors is to set the strategic direction of the association every year. This year, board members met at the headquarters of ConAgra Foods in Omaha, Nebraska, to talk about ongoing initiatives and start making plans for the year ahead. The ongoing initiative getting the […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

The second half of the year is always a challenging and busy time for the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, and so far, 2013 has followed that precedent. As we wrap up this year’s work on behalf of the industry, the IIAR leadership is pleased to report on several successful initiatives in many different areas. […]

IIAR Developes Installation Standard

s part of IIAR’s ongoing effort to create and update its comprehensive suite of standards, one small but important standard is set to be introduced next year. IIAR-4 will address the installation of closed-circuit ammonia mechanical refrigeration systems, and compliments the larger IIAR-2 Safety Standard for Equipment, Design, and Installation for Closed Circuit Mechanical Refrigeration […]

The Executive Order on Chemical Security: A Closer Look

On August 1st, President Obama announced the signing of an Executive Order entitled “Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security.” The Executive Order came in response to the explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas earlier this year and aims to enhance the federal government’s ability to prevent such accidents in the future. The order […]

Firefighting with Refrigeration

IAR has had much success in the past 15 years in the model code arena, updating codes to more appropriately regulate ammonia refrigeration. I’m sometimes asked how we were able to sway the opinions of so many fire safety regulators to support approval of IIAR proposals, and the answer, in a word, is “education.” There’s […]


BY ANDREA FISCHER he importance of color coding ammonia refrigeration piping is a generally accepted best practice these days, but the debate over which colors to use has been anything but black and white. Many companies and contractors long ago adopted their own color schemes, answering the color question for themselves. While that question – […]

Where’s that vapor going?

BY KEM RUSSELL Where’s that vapor going? Sooner or later that question must be answered when some type of work is required on an ammonia refrigeration system. To accomplish the work, the system may have to be opened, and later that portion of the system pressure tested. The pressure testing process will typically involve some […]


HIGHLIGHTS INDUSTRY GROWTH he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration held its first regional seminar for Central America and the Caribbean in Costa Rica last month, an event that marked the organization’s increasing involvement in education and safety advocacy in Latin America. IIAR leaders said the seminar attracted a record number of attendees, from eight different […]

Costa Rica Looks to Neighbors, IIAR, to Promote Natural Refrigerants in Central America

BY CHRIS COMBS n 2013, the Costa Rican government began implementing its national strategy to eliminate hydrochloroflourocarbons while supporting IIAR’s first Industrial Refrigeration seminar in Central America. In a speech outlining the country’s national strategy for the elimination of HCFCs, Dr. Elidier Vargas Castro, Deputy Director of Costa Rica’s Ozone Technical Office, told IIAR members […]

Routine Rooftop Maintenance Creates Requirement for Fixed Industrial Stairs

ncreased regulatory scrutiny and the growing emphasis on process safety management have spurred a steady relocation of equipment from production room floors, freezers and coolers to facility rooftops. The reasons for the transition have been practical. Moving equipment to a roof allows a facility to expand by taking advantage of the “free real estate” offered […]

EPA Looks to IIAR in HFC Phase-Down Meeting

he search for non-ozone-depleting technologies is intensifying, with ammonia and other natural refrigerants emerging as the most viable solutions for industrial refrigeration, thanks to international treaties that put pressure on countries to phase down CFC’s and identify alternatives. As a result, the ammonia refrigeration industry in the United States is getting more attention from the […]

Remembering Don Siller

hether it was helping friends, family, and colleagues or advancing the interests of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, people who knew Don Siller described him as someone who was passionate about life. Siller was the president of Electro Motion Refrigeration, and a longtime member of IIAR, serving as an officer, board member and committee […]

IIAR Plans Training Collaboration

BY CHRIS COMBS, IIAR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS DIRECTOR he IIAR International Committee has been hard at work on several important initiatives since it became a formal working committee in 2012. One of the group’s most important goals in 2013 has been to facilitate training by conducting seminars and providing educational materials to governments and working groups […]


By David LeBlanc Editor’s Note The technical paper, “The History of Fire Protection in Cold Storage Facilities” that appears in this section, is a summary of an IIAR workshop presented at the 2013 IIAR Industrial Conference and Exhibition, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 17-20, 2013. The purpose of this paper is to give an […]

Analyzing Overpressure Scenarios

When isolating equipment that contains liquid anhydrous ammonia, the potential exists for it to become over pressurized due to thermal expansion effects. The overpressure from liquid expansion could then result in the rupture and loss of ammonia from the equipment. And that rupture and loss, if large enough, could potentially have a serious or catastrophic […]

Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

ummer is typically a time to kick back, relax, and ease up on responsibilities – but that’s not the case for our organization this year. As I continue transitioning to my new role as chairman, I am continually impressed by the whirlwind of important projects taking place at headquarters. Currently, all hands are on deck […]

President’s Message by Dave Rule

Throughout this edition of the Condenser, you’ll see a common theme: Progress. Over the past few months, IIAR, and the ammonia refrigeration industry as a whole, have experienced several signs of promise and growth. From gaining recognition as the go-to-resource for the ammonia refrigeration industry; to building new partnerships across the country and the world; […]

IIAR Standards Committee Pursues Organization’s Goals

ne of the biggest missions of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration is to provide standards that will benefit the ammonia refrigeration industry worldwide. In this edition of the Condenser we’re shining the spotlight on the work of the IIAR Standards Committee, which develops, updates, and publishes current and comprehensive standards that members across the […]

Congress Considers Modernization of Chemical Security Laws

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), signed into law in 1976, provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control potentially dangerous chemicals in U.S. commerce. The act gives EPA the authority to gather and disseminate information about production, use, and possible adverse effects to human health and the environment of existing chemicals, and […]

Dealing With Conflicting Codes and Standards

Although much effort goes into coordinating various documents that regulate ammonia refrigeration systems, perfect harmony isn’t achievable for a variety of reasons. Anyone who designs or operates facilities that utilize ammonia refrigeration knows that we deal with a lot of codes and standards. These include IIAR-2; ASHRAE 15; the International fi re, building and mechanical […]

The Standard for Tomorrow

BY ANDREA FISCHER n 1974, the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration issued IIAR-2, a standard that would uniquely address the design and installation of ammonia refrigeration systems for the first time and establish IIAR as the standards writing body dedicated exclusively to ammonia refrigeration. Now, 40 years after it defined the scope of the ammonia […]

Emergency Planning Should Involve Coordination with Local Responders

BY KEM RUSSELL Coordination with local responders is a basic safety responsibility for any facility, but in some cases, even if a company has a well-articulated emergency plan, the lessons learned from a small incident can reveal much bigger considerations. In this column, in each issue of the Condenser, we look at lessons learned from […]

Remembering Rudy Nechay

mmonia refrigeration lost one of its most entrepreneurial and dedicated leaders last month with the passing of Rudy Nechay, a man friends and family described as passionate about his work and devoted to the advancement of his industry. Rudy was a longtime member of IIAR, serving on the board of directors and acting as treasurer […]

Eurammon Focuses on Sustainability at Annual Conference

he European organization representing natural refrigerants continued to emphasize the sustainable reach of refrigeration at its annual conference, which this year included a presentation from IIAR chairman, Bob Port. The “Green Economy with Natural Refrigerants” symposium was held in June, in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. During the symposium – organized by Eurammon, a joint initiative between European […]

IIAR International Workshops Address Safety

n Monday, June 3 at about six o’clock in the morning, a fire broke out at a plant containing an ammonia refrigeration system which belonged to the Baoyuanfeng Poultry Company in the city of Dehui, in the Jilin Province of Northeastern China. Initial press reports included imprecise or contradicting explanations of the cause of the […]

Montreal Protocol Emphasizes Natural Refrigerants

arlier this year, the United States and China agreed to work together with other countries to use the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons. The agreement paves the way for more use of ammonia as an eco-friendly alternative. “When you take HFCs out of the equation, […]

IIAR Expands International Outreach with Colombia Visit

s the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration continues to establish itself as the primary resource for ammonia refrigeration and other natural refrigerants, international partnerships are more important than ever before. “The IIAR, over the past three years, has formed a lot of alliances with international organizations,” said IIAR Chairman Bob Port. “We are really working […]

ARF Welcomes New Trustees, Board Chair

he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation said that it recently welcomed three new trustees and board members. The three new members, Donal Ballou, Peter Spellar and Walter Teeter have all held leadership positions within IIAR. ARF, which serves as the research arm for industrial refrigeration, funds research projects and awards scholarships to support the growth of the […]

Natural Refrigerants Meet Global Warming Challenge

riven by the forces of consumer optimism and business demand, the market for new environmentally friendly technologies has boomed in recent years. But now, environmental scientists are painting a bleaker picture: those new technologies will not be enough to slow global warming in the near future, when taking action to reduce greenhouse gasses will matter […]

Using Electronic Records Systems

veryone is going paperless! Well, not entirely, of course. Not long ago, a member contacted the IIAR and noted that the mechanical integrity chapter of the IIAR PSM/RMP guidelines states that “Copies of the completed log sheets and maintenance and inspection records should be kept on file. Maintenance of these records will allow you to […]

Chairman’s Message by Bob Port

ow that the flurry of committee meetings, networking events and technical discussions of the IIAR conference has ended and we’re all back at work, it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year. At headquarters, that means everyone is working hard to make […]

The First 30 Minutes

EMERGENCY RESPONSE: KNOW WHAT TO DO BEFORE THE CLOCK STARTS TICKING n most situations, the correct response to a threat involving ammonia in the first thirty minutes after it is identified will effectively contain most potential hazards, before they have enough time to grow into an unmanageable problem. Preparation can mean the difference between a […]

Monitoring Recent OSHA Enforcement Trends

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration continues to be a major focus of IIAR’s government relations efforts, including the work of the newly reconstituted Government Relations Committee. IIAR members are reporting that OSHA has become increasingly active with inspections and enforcement activities. The National Emphasis Program for Chemical Facilities, or NEP, is a major reason […]

A Preview of the 2015 Codes

efore I begin my regular column, I would like to spend a moment in remembrance of the horrific tragedy that occurred in the town of West, Texas on April 17. As I write this article, a memorial service is taking place to honor the ten emergency responders who selflessly gave their lives in the service […]

Ongoing Reviews of Procedures Now Can Prevent Confusion Later

We learn, hopefully, by our experience – in a classroom, in the field, or in our personal study. When operating an ammonia refrigeration system, we depend on education combined with experience. That education and experience can take the form of well thought-out and written operating procedures. And it’s worth asking: Are those operating procedures reviewed […]

IIAR Shatters Attendance Records, Sets New Goals at Conference

BY ANDREA FISCHER he International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration hit record attendance numbers, signed agreements with international organizations and introduced a new president at its 2013 Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition, an event that marked a variety of transitions and new initiatives for the association this year. The four days of networking at industry sponsored […]

International Committee Meets for Second Time as Offi cial IIAR Working Committee

BY CHRIS COMBS, IIAR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS DIRECTOR The IIAR International Committee’s second meeting since becoming a formal IIAR working committee in 2012 was attended by 54 people. After a review of the committee’s mission, purpose, scope and regional structure, Paul Bishop introduced the committee’s vice chairmen appointed since the last International Committee meeting was held […]

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for NH3 Releases Less Than 15,000 PPM of Vapor

INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND BY GARY W. SMITH, AMMONIA SAFETY AND TRAINING INSTITUTE, PRESIDENT he federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets the safe work practice guidelines that employers must comply with as minimum standards. Many states have assumed administering authority and have the right to define a higher standard of safety, when local hazards and […]

ARF Targets $3 Million Funding Goal Amid Leadership Transitions

BY ANDREA FISCHER he Ammonia Refrigeration Foundation (ARF), the research and education foundation organized by IIAR, said it was on track to complete new research projects, award scholarships and raise existing funding levels this year. “ARF projects allow us as an industry to go after the issues that are faced by a broad cross-section of […]