IIAR Standards Update
Ammonia (IIAR Suite of Standards)
IIAR 1: ANSI/IIAR 1-2022 Standard for Definitions and Terminology Used in IIAR Standards is presently in effect. It will be opened up for review starting in mid-2026 for its next revision with a targeted completion with ANSI approval in 2027. Rich Merrill serves as the IIAR 1 subcommittee chair and Tony Lundell, senior director of standards and safety at IIAR, is the IIAR staff facilitator. AN IIAR 1 future revision considerations (FRC) list has captured suggestions and considerations for its next revision.
IIAR 2: ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 Standard for Design of Safe Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently in effect. It will be opened up for review in mid-2024 for its next revision with a targeted completion with ANSI approval in 2026. Mark Bazis Jr. is the IIAR 2 subcommittee chair and Eric Smith, vice president and technical director at IIAR, and Lundell are the IIAR staff facilitators. An IIAR 2 FRC list has captured suggestions and considerations for its next revision.
IIAR 3: ANSI/IIAR 3-2022 Ammonia Refrigeration Valves is presently in effect. It will be opened up for review starting in mid-2026 for its next revision with a targeted completion with ANSI approval in 2027. Michael Trumbower is presently the IIAR 3 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. This standard provides minimum “performance criteria” requirements for ammonia refrigeration valves and strainers used in closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems. AN IIAR 3 FRC list has captured suggestions and considerations for its next revision.
IIAR 4: ANSI/IIAR 4-2020 Standard for the Installation of Closed Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently in effect. It will be opened up for review starting in mid-2024 for its next revision with a targeted completion with ANSI approval in 2025. Don Faust, chair of the IIAR standards committee, is the IIAR 4 subcommittee chair. Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. AN IIAR 4 FRC list has captured suggestions and considerations for its next revision.
IIAR 5: ANSI/IIAR 5-2019 Standard for the Startup of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently under revision. The IIAR 5 Subcommittee has been reviewing pre-public review comments and questions that were received. The IIAR 5 Public Review #1 Draft is targeted to be shared with the IIAR Standards Committee and the IIAR Board of Directors for their review in preparation for a vote during the IIAR 2024 annual conference in Orlando, Florida. The votes will be for approving the updated IIAR 5 revision’s content and for it to go out for its first public review. The IIAR 5 revision is targeted for completion with ANSI approval in 2024. Nick Nechay serves as the IIAR 5 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. The revision is addressing the standard to harmonize items with IIAR 2, IIAR 4, IIAR 6 and IIAR 7.
IIAR 6: ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently under revision. The IIAR 6 Subcommittee has been reviewing pre-public review comments and questions that were received. “Functional Testing” of equipment, components and/or devices to clarify expected results was included and an “out of service” section was added to sustain the minimum requirements of IIAR 6 while a closedcircuit ammonia refrigeration system is shut down for an off-season, such as down/off seasons for fruit and/or vegetable harvesting or for down/off seasons for fish catching (seafood). The IIAR 6 Public Review first draft is scheduled to be shared with the IIAR Standards Committee and the IIAR board to review in preparation for a vote during the IIAR 2024 annual conference to approve the revised content and send it out for its first public review. The IIAR 6 revision is targeted to complete ANSI approval this year. Jeff Sutton is the IIAR 6 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. The revision is addressing the standard to harmonize items with IIAR 2, IIAR 4, IIAR 5 and IIAR 7.
IIAR 7: ANSI/IIAR 7-2019 Standard for Developing Operating Procedures for Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently under revision. The IIAR 7 Subcommittee has been reviewing pre-public review comments and questions that were received. Several discussions have occurred to address regulated (i.e., PSM/ RMP systems, more extensive systems with 10,000 lbs. or more) and non-regulated (i.e., General Duty Clause, smaller systems with less than 10,000 lbs.) sized closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems and addressed normative material versus informative/explanatory material. The IIAR 7 public review first draft is targeted to be shared with the IIAR Standards Committee and board so they can vote during the IIAR 2024 annual conference or shortly after to approve the revised content and send it out for its first public review. The IIAR 7 revision should complete ANSI approval this year. Lesley Schafer is the IIAR 7 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. The revision is addressing the standard to harmonize items with IIAR 2, IIAR 5 and IIAR 6.
IIAR 8: ANSI/IIAR 8-2020 Standard for Decommissioning of ClosedCircuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently in effect. It will be opened up for review starting in mid-2024 for its next revision with a targeted completion with ANSI approval in 2025. Peter Jordan is the IIAR 8 subcommittee chair and Tony Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. AN IIAR 8 FRC list has captured suggestions and considerations for its next revision.
IIAR 9: ANSI/IIAR 9-2020 Standard for Minimum System Safety Requirements for Existing ClosedCircuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is presently under revision for the development of an addendum. IIAR 9-2020 Addendum A (202x) was developed to address a scope change and an interpretation, provide a clear compliance deadline, address some simple edits and provide a flow chart. The first public review of the addendum received 16 comments and questions, which the IIAR 9 Subcommittee has been reviewing for consideration and developing responses. Eric Johnston is the IIAR 9 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. The addendum is targeted to be completed with ANSI approval this year.
Carbon Dioxide (IIAR Suite of Standards)
IIAR CO2: ANSI/IIAR CO2-2021 Safety Standard for Closed-Circuit Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems is presently in effect. An addendum has recently been considered. John Collins is the IIAR CO2 subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. Where or if an addendum is pursued, the IIAR CO2 Subcommittee will reconvene to finalize the considered addendum details and it is targeted to be completed with ANSI approval this year.
Hydrocarbons (IIAR Suite of Standards)
IIAR HC: IIAR HC-202x Safety Standard for Closed-Circuit Refrigeration Systems Utilizing Hydrocarbon Refrigerants is a standard presently in development. This standard pertains to utilizing “natural” hydrocarbon refrigerants with zero ozone-depleting potential and very low global warming potential. The committee is currently reviewing and developing responses to onehundred-sixty-one (161) comments received during the first (1st) public review. Joseph Pillis is the IIAR HC subcommittee chair and Lundell is the IIAR staff facilitator. The IIAR HC’s second public review, resulting from the first public review substantive and informative changes, should be ready in early-mid 2024.
Lundell said IIAR is strengthened by the members who volunteer their time for the standard committee, as voting and corresponding members, and the members who volunteer their time for the 11 standard subcommittees which play an essential role in the association’s work. “They are volunteers, and they are helping us as a natural refrigeration industry develop ‘recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices’ as consensus standards and the developed of other RAGAGEP guidelines that are what we want for our destiny,” he said.