OSHA Proposes Expansion to Emergency Response Requirements

In February 2024, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) proposed new rule that would expand the reach of its emergency response standard. OSHA stated it has undertaken the rulemaking because it believes current OSHA emergency response and preparedness standards are outdated and incomplete. According to OSHA, current regulations do not address the full range of hazards facing emergency responders, lag behind changes in protective equipment performance and industry practices, conflict with industry consensus standards and are not aligned with many current emergency response guidelines provided by other U.S. federal agencies (e.g., Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency).

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President’s Message

We’re all back at work after a fun and successful annual conference in Orlando, and now it’s time to set some new goals and carry the momentum of our recent meeting into the rest of the year.

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Remembering Bob Burdick, IIAR Piping Handbook Author

Bob Burdick, the Vice President of Bassett Mechanical from 1967 – 2002, longtime IIAR member, first chairman of the IIAR piping committee, and one of the original authors of the IIAR piping handbook, has passed away. Most of Bob’s working life was spent at Bassett Mechanical, where he became a specialist in ammonia refrigeration.

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2024 Conference Recap

More than 1,900 attendees participated in the International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration’s Natural Refrigeration Conference & Heavy Equipment Expo in Orlando, Florida, setting a new record for attendance. The event provided the latest information on industry issues, technical knowledge, and networking, as well as an opportunity to see new equipment for those involved in the natural refrigeration industry.

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IIAR Recognizes Two Industry Thought Leaders with Presentation Excellence Awards

The IIAR Award for Presentation Excellence was presented to two deserving individuals during IIAR’s annual meeting. Todd Jekel, University of Wisconsin Madison, received IIAR’s 2024 Award for Presentation Excellence for the English presentation of his paper titled “Application and Considerations for Internal Relief in Industrial Refrigeration Systems.” Jekel is a longtime contributor to NRF research projects. IIAR also recognizes colleagues who contribute non-English papers to the program. Christian Ali Muñoz Duran, MR Braz & Associates, PLLC, received IIAR’s 2024 Award for Presentation Excellence for his paper titled “Paquetes de carga crítica de amoníaco DX versus sistema centralizados de amoníaco recirculado, como alternativas de solución para sistemas de refrigeración industrial.”

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IIAR Signs MOUs with IIR and NASRC

IIAR has signed memorandums of understanding with the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and the North American Sustainable Refrigeration Council (NASRC). Schrift said MOUs are important in documenting a board-approved framework that allows IIAR and other organizations to work together on mutually beneficial projects. “In general, IIAR signs MOUs with organizations that share a vision that matches or overlaps with IIAR’s goal to promote the use of natural refrigerants,” Schrift said.

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NRF Fun Day Raises Nearly $80,000 for Scholarships and Research

The Natural Refrigeration Foundation’s Fun Day during the annual conference featured golf, cornhole, and pickleball, raising $77,000 to support the foundation’s scholarships and research projects. All of the events reached their maximum capacity. “We had 100 golfers, and we had more that were interested that were not able to participate because we were capped by the golf course,” said Yesenia Rector, meetings and international program director for IIAR. “We had 16 teams of two people each for pickleball and 16 teams of two people each for cornhole.”

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RSES and RETA Merger Moves Forward

The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) will be merging with the Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association (RETA) to help build awareness of industrial refrigeration careers and increase the number of technicians entering the industrial space. “We believe we will be better together moving forward,” said Jim Barron, executive director of RETA.

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The Role of Emergency Preparedness for Facilities with Natural Refrigerants

Natural refrigerants, including ammonia and CO2, require robust emergency response and management protocols to address potential risks and ensure safety. As the refrigeration industry continues its transition towards natural refrigerants, prioritizing emergency response and management is paramount, and the industry, state and federal governments and local jurisdictions are all working to ensure they’re prepared.

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EPA Issues Final Rule with Risk Management Program Changes

On March 11th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention Final Rule that makes changes to the agency’s Risk Management Program (RMP). The move is the latest in a series of rulemakings related to RMP over the last 10 years and reinstates several requirements similar to those mandated by the Obama Administration and later rescinded by the Trump Administration.

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RMP Rule Changes Resulting from the SCCAP Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency has issued proposed rule changes to the Risk Management Program Rule as part of the Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention Rule. The final rule provisions took effect on May 10, but there are future phase-in dates for some provisions. Douglas Reindl, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the founding director of the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium, provided an overview of the rule during IIAR’s annual meeting.

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Global Perspectives on Integrating Natural Refrigerants

The use of natural refrigerants is increasing as governments, investors, and end users work to reduce the use of high-global warming potential refrigerants. Europe has been at the forefront, promoting the use of natural refrigerants through regulations and incentives, but challenges remain in other areas. Those involved in refrigerants globally said it would take increased awareness and, possibly, regulatory changes to facilitate the adoption of lower GWP solutions.

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Refrigeration Industry Works to Increase Diversity and Inclusion

The industrial refrigeration industry is working to build a diverse workforce and foster an inclusive environment, and this year’s annual conference created opportunities for those in the industry to learn more about promoting diversity and inclusion. “Diversifying our workforce not only broadens the talent pool but also provides our industry the opportunity to flourish with varying perspectives and backgrounds,” said Melissa Cassell, finance director for General Refrigeration Company.

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