

Committee Chair: Wayne Borrowman, CIMCO Refrigeration – Developed and maintains the IIAR CO2 handbook, which guides refrigeration practitioners on the theory, design, and practical application of refrigeration and heat pump systems that use carbon dioxide (CO2) as the refrigerant. The handbook addresses subcritical CO2 application, transcritical CO2 applications, and CO2/ammonia cascade system designs. The CO2 handbook committee may also develop research proposals and educational program proposals related to the use and application of CO2 refrigeration and heat pump systems.


Committee Chair: Ryan Murphy, Bassett Mechanical – Manages and updates the IIAR regulatory publications. The committee will maintain the PSM/RMP Manual, ARM Manual, Ammonia Data Book and new regulatory publications.


Committee Chair: John Flynn, General Refrigeration – Further the knowledge of the ammonia refrigeration industry and other parties affected by our industry through the publication and dissemination of relevant industry information in the form of bulletins (an interpretation of national codes and design methodology), videos, handouts, formal classes, workshops and seminars.


Committee Chair: Bob Almon, Innovative Refrigeration – The Energy Sustainability Committee will be encompassing of not only the technical aspects but also the human factors, social responsibility, and regulatory. In other words, we will need a large swath of skills and expertise as we lay the foundation for tomorrow.


Committee Chair: Mark Tomooka Clark Johnson Company, Inc. – Dedicated to government relations, the Government Relations Committee was formed to work directly with the Institute’s government affairs representative. As IIAR continues to work on behalf of the industry with government officials both in the U.S. and in other countries, the committee addresses issues important to IIAR members and continues the organization’s tradition of advocacy on behalf of the industry.


Committee Chair: Max Duarte, EVAPCO, Inc. – Expand IIAR activities around the world, recruit new members, translate IIAR publications and increase global distribution of IIAR publications through appropriate refrigeration organizations worldwide.


Committee Chair: Stephanie Smith, Risk Management Professionals, Inc. – Promote the use of ammonia refrigeration, reinforce IIAR’s image within the ammonia refrigeration and related industries through advertisements and advertorials in industry publications; ensure that industry information is disseminated to members, industry and the general public; work with the headquarters staff on maintaining the marketing plan; develop and administer effective programs to ensure continued growth of IIAR.


Committee Chair: Rob Sterling, Sterling Andrews Engineering, PLLC – Develop and publish consensus specifications for pipe fittings and pipe materials used in the construction of ammonia refrigeration piping systems. Review other areas of interest that concern piping systems such as cleanliness, welding procedures, insulation and pipe sizing and recommends appropriate response to review issues which may include issuing publications.


Committee Chair: William J. Greulich, Kensington Consulting – Identify and develop work statements that when implemented will benefit the ammonia refrigeration industry, and assist the IIAR staff in the development of these work statements into completed research projects.


Committee Chair: Rob Baker, Republic Refrigeration – Develop and implement projects intended to inform as well as educate the ammonia refrigeration industry and related parties on the proper and safe use of ammonia as a refrigerant and the proper and safe operation and maintenance of ammonia refrigeration systems.


Committee Chair: Don Faust, FRICK Industrial Refrigeration – Update and interpret the IIAR standard(s), review and interface with other standard writing organizations that include ammonia and ammonia refrigeration systems within their standards, develop ideas for and write new standards (and other publications of interest to the industry) to be sponsored by IIAR and work with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and IIAR staff in moving standards through the ANSI approval/review process.

Committee Schedule